
  • 网络IE Business School;Instituto de Empresa;Instituto de Empresa Business School;IEBS
  1. 然而,在研究了诸多选择后,她选择了马德里西班牙企业学院的emba。

    However , after looking at various options , she opted for an EMBA at the IE business school in Madrid .

  2. 然而,一系列戏剧性事件,不但让这位31岁的法学院毕业生成了马德里西班牙企业学院(IEBusinessSchool)的EMBA学生,也将其非同寻常的血统进行了调和。

    However , a dramatic series of events not only led to the 31-year-old law graduate enrolling on the EMBA at the IE Business School in Madrid , but also to a reconciliation of her unusual provenance .

  3. 伦敦商学院、美国的凯洛格商学院和杜克大学富卡商学院、以及西班牙企业学院(IE),共同创立了国际MiM协会(InternationalMastersinManagementAssociation),以推广这一项目。

    LBS , together with Kellogg and Duke in the US and IE in Spain , have set up the International Masters in Management Association , to help promote the degree .

  4. 在MBA榜单上,伦敦商学院、INSEAD和西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)毕业生的薪酬相差无几,只有几美元的差距。

    In the MBA ranking , LBS , Insead and Spain 's IE Business School are bunched together with only a few dollars between them .

  5. 以位于马德里的西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)为例,633名全日制MBA学生将从老师们推荐的150门选修课中选出80门让学校开课。

    At IE Business School in Madrid , for example , the 633 full-time MBA students now choose which 80 elective courses will run from the 150 proposed by faculty .

  6. 它们的排名从第三(西班牙企业商学院)到第38位(米兰理工大学MIP管理学院(PolitecnicodiMilanoSchoolofManagement))不等。

    They are ranked between third place ( IE Business School ) and 38th ( Politecnico di Milano School of Management ) .

  7. 不过名校会提供大量奖学金名额,西班牙企业商学院(IEBusinessSchool)教授盖尔•阿拉德(GayleAllard)表示,在线MBA学位扩大了获资助学生的可能性范围。

    Scholarships are widely offered by leading schools , however , and online delivery of MBAs is widening the potential catchment for sponsored students , says Gayle Allard , a professor at IE Business School in Spain .

  8. 西班牙企业商学院在某几项排名中下滑了一两个位置,但其综合得分仍然很高,足以令其蝉联冠军,特别是其MBA课程排名第四,管理硕士课程位居第五。

    IE lost one or two places in some rankings but scored highly enough to retain the top spot it gained last year , in particular being ranked fourth for its MBA and fifth for its masters in management .

  9. 最后,在EMBA榜单上,若剔除与非欧洲商学院的合办课程,瑞士洛桑国际管理发展学院(IMD)的毕业生的平均薪资为26.1397万美元,远远领先于排名第二的萨伊德商学院和排名第三的西班牙企业商学院。

    Finally , in the EMBA ranking , excluding joint programmes delivered with non-European schools , IMD of Switzerland , with an average salary of $ 261397 , is well ahead of Business School in second and IE Business School in third place .