
  1. 法兰西关上窗户,躺在床上。

    Frances closed the window and got into bed .

  2. 西关苑的西南角有一间布置简洁、功能齐全的活动室,它就是棋艺馆。

    Chess House located at the southwest of the7th exhibition hall was arranged concisely and multifunctional .

  3. 弘扬岭南文化&谈广州西关城市建设

    Inheriting the Culture of the South Ridges & Discussion on the Urban Construction of Xiguan District in Guangzhou

  4. 事件重构文化符号的人类学解读&以西关小姐评选活动为例

    On Anthropological Study of Event Reconstructing Cultural Symbols & A Case Study of " Miss Xiguan " Competition

  5. 略论西关在广州中西文化交流中的历史地位太平天国与近代早期的中西文化交流

    A note on the historical status of Xiguan in Sino-western cultural communication ; Taiping Heavenly Kingdom and Sino-Western Cultural Exchanges in The Beginning of Modern History

  6. 千百年来,西关人们用自己的智慧创造了许多不平凡的历史,近期,广州政府决定清拆西关一部分的老房子就成为了广州人讨论的热点。

    For hundreds of years , the Xiguan people have created a remarkable history with their wisdom . Recently , Guangzhou government decides to back out some old houses in Xiguan .

  7. 西关外靠着城根的地面,本是一块官地;中间歪歪斜斜一条细路,是贪走便道的人,用鞋底造成的,但却成了自然的界限。

    There was a governmental area by the city wall in Xiguan , in the middle of which there was a small path which was caused by people who would like to take a shortcut .

  8. 天井两侧的行廊有些类似西关的骑楼,可以遮风挡雨,屋面梁架上有精细的木雕图案,墙的上端是古老的壁画,内容都离不开风调雨顺、连年有余等,笔法古拙,意趣盎然。

    The delicate wood carving totems on the beams , the ancient frescos on the upper walls , all imply good weather for crops and successive years of a surplus , old pen but new ken .

  9. 本文以广州西关文化保护区为例,结合拼贴理论和可持续发展的观点,试图对历史街区保护发展提出一些新建议。

    This paper is taking Guangzhou western barrier cultural protection zone as example , combines theory put together to paste and the viewpoint of sustainable development , attempts to develop for historical street protection to make some new suggestions .

  10. 每天早上,陕西临沂西关小学校长,40岁的张鹏飞带领700名小学生在操场上跳“鬼步舞”,“鬼步舞”是一种融合当代爵士、脚跟、脚尖和上肢同时舞动的舞蹈。

    Every morning , 40-year-old principal Zhang Pengfei at the Xi Guan Primary School in Linyi county , Shanxi province would lead about 700 pupils on the playground in a synchronised ' ghost shuffle ' routine - a dance that incorporates contemporary jazz steps with heel , toe and arm movements .