
  • 网络the rise of the west
  1. 的确,西方的兴起直至取得全球性优势地位是世界现代史的主题。

    The rise of the West to this position of dominance all round the globe is , indeed , the main theme of modern world history .

  2. 第一章是对麦克尼尔学术生平和最主要的三部全球史著作:《西方的兴起》、《瘟疫与人》和《竞逐富强》的简介。

    The chapter I is the academic profile and biography of McNeill and the three most important books of McNeill , The Rise of the West , Plagues and Peoples , and The Pursuit of Power .

  3. 政府治理理论在西方的兴起有其必然性。

    The governance theory is very popular in west countries .

  4. 研究伦理学在西方的兴起

    Rise of Research Ethics in the West

  5. 于是,我将论文的主旨置于了协商性司法在西方的兴起上。

    Thereupon , I put the subject on the rise of negotiated justice in the west .

  6. 应用伦理学在西方的兴起对以前的理论伦理学构成了一系列挑战,并为伦理学研究构建起了全新的平台。

    The rise of applied ethics in the West has challenged western traditional theoretical ethics and hence established a new platform for ethical studies .

  7. 20世纪五六十年代,随着民众文化史在西方的兴起,以读写史研究为核心的民众文化水平研究逐渐发展起来。

    In the fifties and sixties of20th century , with the rise of popular cultural history , the popular literacy research church centered on reading and writing history research gradually developed .

  8. 第一部分,首先回顾了文化研究在西方的兴起和兴盛的过程,接下来从外部社会文化环境和学术内部发展规律两个方面分析了文化研究引入中国的背景。

    In the first section , the rise and prosperity of cultural studies in western countries is examined retrospectively and the background for its introduction in China is analysed from the external social-cultural environment and internal rules of academic development .

  9. 随着政策科学在西方的兴起,产业政策评估已经成为各国经济学家和政治学家共同关心的课题,并日益受到各国政府的重视。

    Along with the booming of policy science in western countries , how to evaluate the industry policy has become a common topic among economists and politicians , and it has also been recognized more and more by governments around the world .

  10. 这是1991年诺贝尔经济学奖得主、著名新经济史学家道格拉斯·诺思(DouglassC.North)在《西方世界的兴起》一书中所阐明的主旨。

    This is the theme of a book named the Rise of the Western World : the New Economic history that 1991 Nobel Economic Prize owner , famous new economic historian Douglass C. North has written .

  11. 中等收入阶层在西方世界的兴起,使世界资本主义进入一个以大众阶层为主体的新发展时期,并带来国际关系的重大变化;

    The rise of medium-income social stratum in the West marks a new development phase of global capitalism centering on the average class and brings a substantial change to international relations .

  12. 由于这样的经济增长现象在人类历史上从未出现过,所以,对其不是称为工业革命就是称为西方世界的兴起。

    Because this kind of economic increase has never appeared in the human history , so it is called either " the Industrial Revolution " or " the rise of the western world " .

  13. 在科学领域,基督教在客观上促进了近代西方自然科学的兴起。

    In the field of science , Christianity has objectively promoted the rise of modern western natural science .

  14. 从合作生产到亲手制作&从文艺复兴时期赞助模式的演变看西方现代艺术家的兴起

    From Cooperative Production to " Sua Mano ": Changes of the Patronage and Rise of Modern Artists during the Italian Renaissance

  15. 西方古典史学的兴起正是凭借文本的革命而确立的,即由诗歌或韵文向散文的文体转变。

    The establishment of classical history was relied on a revolution of text , that was , the invention of prose from poetry or verse .

  16. 然后,从古代转回到现代,现代西方模糊数学的兴起,对模糊性的重视及在美学中对模糊性概念的界定。

    Returned the modern age from the ancient times , modern West fuzzy mathematics starting , fuzziness value and in esthetics to fuzziness concept limits .

  17. 这是由于西方叙事学的兴起让中国的学者不由得联想到明清时期的小说评点家的那些评点文字与西方的叙事理论之间似乎存在某些相似的地方。

    It 's the rise of Narratology that makes people image there seems to be some similarities between the Chinese Criticism and the Western Narrative theory .

  18. 语言中的性别歧视现象得到语言学家的注意长达几个世纪,60年代西方女权运动的兴起使人们更为关注对性别歧视语言的研究和批评。

    Sex inequality in language has captured attention of linguists for centuries and since the feminist movement in the 60s in the United States , the issue has been highlighted .

  19. 伴随着现代西方文论的兴起和活跃,20世纪的奥斯丁研究出现了新的方向。

    With the rise and flourish of modern western literary theory , there appeared a new approach to the study of Jane Austen and her works in the 20th century .

  20. 本文对西方治理理论的兴起、治理的基本界定及其特点等问题进行了深入而详尽的介绍与分析。

    This article offers an introduction in depth and details the rise of the governance theories in the West , how governance is defined , and characteristics of governance as well .

  21. 西方多元化战略的兴起以及企业并购重组的日益频繁,直接导致了内部资本市场的变迁和活跃,使得关于内部资本市场的研究成为当下炙手可热的研究之一。

    The rise of western diversification strategy and enterprise merger & reorganization , directly led to the generation of internal capital market , which is currently one of the hottest research topics .

  22. 伴随着西方绿色运动的兴起,以及中国国内环境意识的加强,“绿色”一词开始在新时期的现代汉语里频繁出现。

    Along with the rising of Green Movement in western countries as well as the enhancing sense of environment , the word " green " appears quite often in modern Chinese language .

  23. 伴随着西方积极心理学的兴起和教育研究领域人文关怀的彰显,教育幸福、教师幸福、学生幸福等话题也已进入了研究者的视野。

    Following the rising of western Positive Psychology and the increasing of Humane Care in the area of educational research , the topics of well-being of education , well-being of teachers , and well-being of students have already come into the vision of researchers .

  24. 法国年鉴学派在西方新史学的兴起和发展中影响最大、,成就最显著,我们从该学派主要代表人物的一些言论、著述和实际行动等方面来佐证马克思主义史学对法国年鉴学派的影响。

    During the rising and development of the West New Historiography , the influence of French Almanac School of thought is the most remarkable . And we can prove it by some speeches , written books and real actions of the main Historiography representative .

  25. 本文从全球化的视野中,分析了以美国为首的西方文化霸权主义的兴起、表现以及它对社会公正和人类多元文化现状及发展的威胁,并探讨了文化霸权对回族社会带来的负面影响。

    From the eyeshot of globalization , this article analyzes the rise and behave of Hesperian cultural hegemonism as well as its menace to social equity and the status quo and development of human multiculture , and discuss cultural hegemony bring opposite influence to the Hui society .

  26. 西方历史哲学的兴起与早期发展经历三个阶段:人之外的思辨的历史哲学,现实的人的发展的历史哲学、无视或漠视普通人的作用的思辨的历史哲学。

    This article summaries the rise of historical philosophy and its early development , including three stages : the contemplative historical philosophy beyond humanism , historical philosophy in relation to the people of the present day and their development , and historical philosophy without reference to humanism .

  27. 采用系统科学思想中输入输出观点,讨论了西方激励理论的兴起和演进过程,并主要从效用的新视角对西方激励理论进行再认识,探讨了其发展方向。

    The paper uses the input-output idea in the system science thoughts to discuss the rising and developing process of the western motivation theory . It mainly takes a new visual angle of utility on the reconsideration of the western motivation and concisely gives out its developing direction .

  28. 近年来,随着西方翻译研究派的兴起,美国翻译理论家安德烈·勒菲弗尔(AndreLefevere)的翻译即改写的理论为这一比较研究提供了绝好的理论框架。

    With the rise of the Western School of Translation Studies , Andre Lefevere 's rewriting theory provides us with a theoretical framework to compare and value several translators and their translating versions of an original text .

  29. 这种关注的重要表现之一就是西方文化哲学的蓬勃兴起。

    One of the immediate effects of the concerns is the rise of western cultural philosophy .

  30. 当代西方的社会规制研究兴起于20世纪70年代初。

    In west academe , the studies of social regulation rose at the early 1970s ' .