
chèn qì
  • lining
衬砌[chèn qì]
  1. 半无限空间中稳态P波在衬砌周围的散射

    Scattering of steady P-wave around a circular lining in half space

  2. P波作用下衬砌混凝土的爆破安全振动速度研究

    Study on the safety velocity for concrete lining under P wave loading

  3. 地下衬砌洞室对Rayleigh波的放大作用

    Amplification of Rayleigh waves due to underground lined cavities

  4. Solidworks在衬砌台车设计中的应用

    The application of Solidworks in design of tunnel lining trolley

  5. 界面含裂纹圆环形衬砌对SH波的散射及动应力集中

    On the Scattering of SH-Wave by Interface Crack and Circular Cavity near the Interface

  6. 隧道施工由CRD改为CD工法衬砌结构内力及变位分析

    The analysis of lining stress and strain with working method from CRD to CD method

  7. 提高TBM施工隧洞中的六边形管片衬砌质量

    Discussion on Raising Quality of Lining with Hexagonal Segment Used in Tunnel Constructed by TBM

  8. 研究SH波入射情况下圆形衬砌结构与直线形裂纹的相互作用问题。

    The interaction between a linear crack and circular lining impacted by an incident SH-wave was investigated .

  9. 地下圆形衬砌隧洞对柱面SH波的散射解析解

    On Scattering & Diffraction of Underground , Circular , Lined Tunnels Subjected to Incident Cylindrical SH Waves

  10. 文中论述的利用通用有限元软件ANSYS实现衬砌结构损伤分析的方法,对其它混凝土结构和构件的损伤分析也具有参考价值。

    Furthermore , the method to analyze the damage of lining structure by current finite element software ANSYS is also valuable to other concrete structure and components .

  11. 拱顶沉降在施工掌子面进展到9m之后其沉降值达到最大值,故控制6m的施工进深然后做拱部全断面的二次衬砌是十分必要的。

    The vault sedimentation maximizes behind tunnel heading reaching 9m , So 6m construction throat is necessary .

  12. 利用AP-DL语言编程对ANSYS进行二次开发,模拟了地下工程构建过程中,掘进爆破冲击波对喷射混凝土衬砌的损伤影响程度。

    The secondary development of Ansys is done with Ansys Parametric Design Language . The shotcrete lining 's damage degree due to the vibration of the excavation blasting is simulated in underground engineering .

  13. 研究界面上的圆形衬砌结构对平面SH波散射与动应力集中问题。

    This paper provides a new method for analyzing scattering and dynamic stress concentration of plane SH-waves by interface circular cavity with lining by means of Green 's function .

  14. 利用地下圆形衬砌隧道对入射平面P波和SV波散射级数解答,定量分析了入射波长、入射角度、隧道直径、衬砌刚度等因素对沿线地表位移放大作用的影响。

    The series solution for the scattering of plane P and SV waves by an underground circular lined tunnel is used to quantitatively analyze the effects of incident wavelength , incident angle , diameter of tunnel , and liner stiffness on ground surface displacement amplification .

  15. 采用遵循有限变形理想弹塑性本构关系和Drucker-Prager屈服准则的空间等参实体单元,模拟二次衬砌和围岩。

    The secondary lining and surrounding rock are simulated with space iso-parametric solid element that follows constitutive equations of finitude deformation ideal elastic-plasticity and yield criterion of Drucker-Prager .

  16. 设计方法有基于挪威法的Q系统支护设计、极限状态法及能量原理设计法等,但基本上都是基于支护结构本身的设计方法,对衬砌混凝土的耐久性涉及很少。

    The design methods include Q-system support design method based on NMT , limiting status design method and energy principle design method , etc , but the above given methods are all based on the design methods for the support structure itself , referring to concrete durability rarely .

  17. 随后用FLAC软件模拟了隧洞的开挖,经过计算表明,按照原设计文件的支护衬砌结构偏于保守,有较大的优化空间。

    Then we used FLAC software to simulate the excavation of the tunnel , calculations show that , in accordance with the original design file support lining structure is conservative , we can largely optimize it .

  18. 数值求解给出了脱离区大小和衬砌厚度对动应力强度因子(DSIF)和散射截面(SCS)的影响。结果显示由于脱胶,动应力强度因子和散射截面呈现明显的低频共振特性。

    Dynamic stress intensity factors ( DSIF ) and the scattering cross section ( SCS ) are evaluated numerically , the resonances of DSIF and SCS at lower frequencies due to the debondings arise obviously .

  19. 本文采用有限元法研究近场双圆形孔洞、圆环形衬砌对瞬态SH波的散射和动应力集中问题。

    The scattering problems and the dynamic stress concentration problems of SH-wave by double circle cavities , and circle lining in near field are investigated in this thesis by the method of FEM . There are two problems in simulating SH-wave issue by finite element method .

  20. 其次,用二维时域有限差分法(2D-FDTD)进行衬砌病害正演数值模拟。

    And explaining method of GPR map was illustrated . Then , 2D finite difference time domain ( 2D-FDTD ) method was used to do forward simulation for tunnel lining .

  21. 为评价隧道保温隔热层效果,利用三维瞬态有限元程序,分析了隧道保温隔热材料厚度为0.0、3.0cm情况下二次衬砌及周边围岩的温度变化过程;

    Temperature changing course of secondary liner and peripheral rock is analyzed using 3-D FEM programs in order to evaluate the effect of heat preservation and insulation material for thickness 0 or 3 cm .

  22. 研究结果表明:单线铁路隧道直墙式衬砌高水压第一分界值为0.05~0.10MPa,第二分界值为0.18MPa;

    The results show that in single-track railway tunnel , the first boundary value of high hydraulic pressure upon upright wall lining is 0.05-0.10 MPa and the second boundary value is 0.18 MPa ;

  23. 基于荷载-结构法并采用面向对象的设计方法,介绍了盾构隧道衬砌计算机辅助设计(GeoFBA)软件编制的理论依据、软件的适用范围及特点。

    Based on the load-structure theory and using the object-oriented programming method , the theoretic basis of CAD software ( GeoFBA ) for shield tunnel lining is described and its usage and feature are also expounded .

  24. 岩溶隧道富水区段衬砌渗漏水治理技术

    Renovating Technology of Lining Leakage at Water-rich Sector of Karst Tunnel

  25. 强地震作用下铁路隧道衬砌耐震性的研究

    An Investigation on Aseismic Behaviours of Railway Tunnel Lining During Earthquake

  26. 隧道混凝土衬砌施工中衬砌台车受力分析

    Loading analysis of Lining Jumbo during construction of concrete tunnel lining

  27. 水工隧洞钢筋混凝土衬砌非线性有限元分析

    Nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced concrete lining of hydraulic tunnels

  28. 盾构隧洞双层衬砌接头相互作用模型

    Joint interaction models for shield tunnel segment reinforced by secondary linings

  29. 公路隧道衬砌断面轮廓检测技术及应用

    Application and Technology of Lining Transverse Section Detection in Highway Tunnel

  30. 寒冷地区渠道混凝土衬砌防冻害的几个问题

    Several problems about anti-freeze of concrete lining brickworks in cold areas