
  • 网络epigenetic;epigenetics;epigenetic regulation;epigenetic inheritance
  1. 在人类基因组中,DNA甲基化是一种表观遗传修饰,它与肿瘤的发生关系密切。

    DNA methylation is a kind of epigenetic modification in human genome .

  2. DNA甲基化是对哺乳动物基因组一种重要的表观遗传修饰,调控着基因表达和染色质组织结构。

    DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification of the mammalian genome that regulates gene expression and chromatin organization .

  3. DNA甲基化即为表观遗传中的一个重要组成部分。

    DNA methylation is one important part of epigenetics .

  4. 表观遗传修饰主要有DNA甲基化和以组蛋白修饰为特征的染色质重塑。

    Epigenetic modification includes DNA methylation and histone modifications .

  5. 表观遗传调控可以影响基因转录活性而不涉及DNA序列的改变。

    An epigenetic event alters the activity of genes without changing their structure .

  6. DNA的甲基化修饰是真核生物的表观遗传调控的重要组成部分。

    DNA methylation is a major component of the epigenetic regulation machinary in eukaryotes .

  7. DNA甲基化及组蛋白乙酰化修饰是表观遗传修饰的主要方式。

    DNA methylation and histone acetylating modification are the main forms of epigenetic modification .

  8. 杉木亲本自交系及其杂交种DNA甲基化和表观遗传变异

    Epigenetic Inheritance and Variation of DNA Methylation in Chinese Fir ( Cunninghamia lanceolata ) Intraspecific Hybrids

  9. 这是基因调控是由控制基因的表观遗传完成的,并没有改变DNA。

    This gene regulation is accomplished by epigenetic processes that control gene expression without altering DNA .

  10. 表观遗传改变的两个最主要机制就是DNA甲基化和组蛋白修饰。

    The two primary changes of epigenetic mechanism are the DNA methylation and the histone modification .

  11. 植物表观遗传与DNA甲基化

    Plant Epigenetics and DNA Methylation

  12. 已知表观遗传过程,例如DNA甲基化调控组织特异基因表达。

    Epigenetic processes , such as DNA methylation , are known to regulate tissue specific gene expression .

  13. 在已知的表观遗传修饰中,DNA甲基化似乎在白血病形成中起到一个重要的作用。

    DNA methylation , amongst the known epigenetic modi ? cations , appears to play a crucial role in leukaemogenesis .

  14. 各种类型细胞的DNA遗传信息伴随着相应的表观遗传信息进行传递。

    The genetic information of the DNA is passed on along with the relevant epigenetic information for the respective cell type .

  15. 表观遗传修饰是指在不改变DNA序列的情况下对基因功能稳定的、可遗传的改变。

    Epigenetic modifications are comprised of stable and heritable changes in gene function that occur without a change in DNA sequence .

  16. 利用表观遗传机制(如,RNA干涉)可成为肿瘤治疗的新方法。

    Epigenetics ( such as RNA interference ) can become potential method of cancer therapy .

  17. 表观遗传是研究没有DNA序列变化,但是可遗传和可逆转的基因组功能的调控。

    Epigenetics involves in the heritable but reversible regulation of various gene expression through DNA methylation and chromatin modification without sequence alternation .

  18. 表观遗传突变是指没有引起DNA序列变化的可遗传的基因表达改变。

    Epigenetic mutations confer heritable changes in gene expression that are not due to changes in the underlying sequence of the DNA .

  19. 核心过程的表观遗传的产业包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白改性、核小体重建、核染色质动力学和互动子都存在。

    Core processes of epigenetic inheritance include DNA methylation , histone modification , nucleosome remodeling , nuclear dynamics and chromatin interaction with non-coding RNAs .

  20. 简要论述了植物DNA甲基转移酶、甲基化方式、发生位置及DNA甲基化所引起的表观遗传现象。

    This article briefly discusses plant DNA methyltransferase , the mode and the loci of Methylation and the epigenetic phenomenon originated by DNA methylation .

  21. 表观遗传包括很多信息并没有出现在DNA序列之中,在发育过程中环境限制了一部分基因的表达。

    The epigenome contains additional information that is not brought by DNA sequence , and generates spatial and functional constraints that complement genetic instructions .

  22. 目前发现有如下几种表观遗传分子机制:DNA甲基化,RNA干扰,组蛋白乙酰化和组蛋白修饰。

    There are several types of epigenetic inheritance systems methylation of DNA , RNA interference , histone acetylation and protein modification .

  23. 肿瘤抑制基因PTEN的表观遗传调控及其抗肿瘤机制研究

    Epigenetic Regulation of Tumor Suppressor Gene PTEN and Its Anticancer Mechanisms

  24. DNA甲基化作为一种重要的表观遗传修饰形式,存在于许多高等动、植物中,并在调控基因表达、维持基因组的稳定性等方面发挥重要生物学作用。

    As a significant epigenetic modification , DNA methylation plays a critical role in regulating gene expression and maintaining genomic stability in higher animals and plants .

  25. 表观遗传主要通过基因的甲基化模式的来起作用,而不是DNA序列。

    It works largely by altering the methylation patterns " the addition or subtraction of methyl groups " around a gene , but not the DNA sequence itself .

  26. 表观遗传修饰主要是研究在DNA序列不发生改变的前提下可遗传基因的表达发生的改变,组蛋自修饰已成为表观遗传领域的研究热点。

    Group epigenetic modification is to study the expression of genes in the DNA sequence does not change . Histone modifications has become a hot research field of epigenetic .

  27. 这些基因编码蛋白参与电子和质子转运、泛素&蛋白体途径以及表观遗传调控(epigeneticregulation)等。

    These fragments encode proteins involved in electron transfer and proton transport , the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway , and epigenetic gene regulation .

  28. 表观遗传是指非遗传的因素(译者注:DNA序列不发生改变)引起基因表达的改变,这与基因突变导致翻译出错误蛋白有明显的区别。

    An epigenetic event is when non-genetic factors cause a gene to change its expression , and this is different from cancer caused by mutated genes that produce errant protein .

  29. 正在进行的研究已经确定了生化和核机制,遗传因素,表观遗传因素在糖尿病并发症的发病机制中的非编码RNA。

    Ongoing studies have identified biochemical and nuclear mechanisms , genetic determinants , epigenetic factors and non-coding RNAs in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications .

  30. 然而,根据STRUCTURE和NJ树的结果分析显示高山龙胆的遗传和表观遗传结构与海拔高度并没有明显的相关性。

    However , the results of STRUCTURE and NJ tree revealed that there were no significant correlation between genetic / epigenetic structure and elevation .