
  1. 10余年前,利用补色原理,复配了活性橙82,乌黑度有所改进,但尚有不少问题。

    About ten years ago , Reactive Orange 82 was formulated using the principle of complementary color , the blackening was improved .

  2. 进行黑色活性染料用组分染料的设计,应该以超分子化学理论和补色原理为指导,参考染料的十大参数,设计组分染料的结构。

    However , the design of the dye structure for a reactive black and other dye components , should dependent on supramolecular chemistry inspiration .

  3. 增白作用是利用光学上的补色原理,使泛黄物质经荧光增白剂处理后,不仅能反射可见光,还能吸收可见光以外的紫外光并转变为具有紫监色或青色的可见光反射出来。

    According to optical complementary color principle , brightening action means that matter suffused with yellow can not only reflect visible light but also absorb ultraviolet light which will be transformed to visible light reflected with indigo or cyan after handled by fluorescence brightening agent .