
jiē dēnɡ
  • street lamp
街灯 [jiē dēng]
  • [streetlight] 路灯

  1. 街灯也死去,又一个夜晚过去了。

    The street lamp dies , another night is over .

  2. 街灯,不论是否配有电器零件

    Street lamp whether or not fitted with electric parts

  3. 街灯在黄昏时分亮起来。

    The street lights go on at dusk .

  4. 他在街灯下停下来,看着对面的咖啡馆。

    He paused under a streetlamp and looked across at the cafe .

  5. 天色渐暗,街灯亮了。

    As the day darkened the streetlights came on .

  6. 窗上蒙了水汽,向外望去,原本突兀的街灯变得模糊起来。

    The windows misted , blurring the stark streetlight

  7. 那儿路面的街灯正带着一种不祥的弹性摇晃着呢

    The lamps had a portentously elastic swing with them .

  8. 太阳能LED街灯的挑战及安森美半导体高能效解决方案

    The Challenge of Solar LED Street Light and High Power Efficiency Solution by ON Semiconductor

  9. 大多数情况都是市民误把街灯之类的认做UFO。

    UFOs reports were most likely to be misidentified street lamps .

  10. 此系统是广泛存在于工程实践中的一类系统,诸如街灯系统、微波塔系统等均可以用n中取连续k系统来描述。

    This system is widely found in engineering practice in a class of systems , such as street lighting systems , microwave towers , which can use consecutive-k-out-of-n : F systems to describe .

  11. 新兴网站seeclickfix已经推出了一款智能手机应用软件,它使得使用者可以报告诸如损坏的街灯或需要捡拾的垃圾等情况。

    And seeclickfix , a start-up , has come up with a smartphone app that allows users to report such things as broken streetlights or rubbish that needs to be picked up .

  12. 街灯照在他那领章的铜号码上。

    The street light shone on the met'snumarer on his collar .

  13. 街灯模糊了,闪烁着,又模糊了。街上的灯光都熄灭了。

    The lights on the avenue blurred , twinkled , blurred .

  14. 清晨寒冷的霉味,街灯熄灭。

    The stale cold smell of morning , The streetlamp dies .

  15. 你能看到街灯周围的光晕吗?

    Can you see the halo effect around the street lamps ?

  16. 街灯在微风中摇曳着。

    The breeze set the flames of the street lamps quavering .

  17. 漫长的大街上,街灯依然到处亮着。

    The lamps are still burning up and down the long street .

  18. 整个街道都因没有街灯在抗议。

    The whole street protested the absence of street lights .

  19. “街上,灯是固定在街灯柱上的。”

    " In the streets , lamps are fixed to lampposts . "

  20. 街灯通常在傍晚七点半开。

    The street lights are usually turned on at7:30 in the evening .

  21. 车祸后,街灯周围还是残骸。

    The car was draped round the street light after the accident .

  22. 街灯、台灯、自行车车灯.闪光灯灯泡手电筒灯泡

    A street , table , bicycle lamp flash light bulb

  23. 他就提着灯笼扛着梯子,走过来将街灯点亮。

    With lantern and with ladder he comes posting up the street .

  24. 他开车撞了街灯。

    He banged the car into a street light .

  25. 他向警察告密说创见们打碎了街灯。

    He turned them in to the police for breaking the street light .

  26. 他开车撞上了街灯,把车轮撞坏了。

    He drove the car into a street light an damaged the wheels .

  27. 远处街灯有像彩虹的圆圈。

    Far away street lights have a ring around them like a rainbow .

  28. 远离建筑区、大树、街灯和电线电缆。

    Move away from buildings , trees , streetlights , and utility wires .

  29. 我们常常相拥着在摇拽的街灯下漫步;

    We often hug to each other in a wave of ye walk street ;

  30. 我黑进了一个能看到街灯告示的监控录像

    I 've accessed the feeds from a security camera whose field includes a lamppost