
  • 网络diffraction screen
  1. 用Visualc++6.0编程,实现了任意设计衍射屏,以及对可见光范围内任意单色点光源或平面波经过衍射屏后的衍射和干射现象进行仿真。

    Using Visual C ++ 6.0 , a program is developed to design diffraction screen at random , and to simulate the pattern on receive screen when using point light or plane light source under any wavelength within the range of visible light .

  2. 光栅,广义的说,是具有周期性的空间结构或光学性能(如投射率,折射率)的衍射屏。

    Broadly speaking , grating is a diffraction screen with periodic spatial structure or optical properties ( e.g. projected rate , refractive rate ) .

  3. 基于部分像素衍射屏的原理,提出一种结构更为简单,更易实现的新型衍射元件(DOE)。

    We described in detail a new diffraction optical element ( DOE ) based on partial pixel theory , which is structured with greater facility and easier to be realized .

  4. 针对X射线波段的特性,综合考虑折射和吸收效应得出组合透镜的衍射屏函数,并利用衍射理论推导出X射线组合透镜的设计理论。

    The theoretical and numerical study of such a device is reported , including the derivations of the diffractive screen function of the compound lens and the equations of the intensity distribution in the focus plane by considering both refraction and absorption effect and diffraction theory .

  5. 根据4F系统的工作原理,通过分析光栅衍射屏横向位移量与衍射光相位改变量之间的关系,约定两衍射级光强相加时为1,两衍射级光强相消时为0的光学逻辑编码规则。

    Based on the principles of 4F system , the relation between the phase-shift Δφ _ ± 1 and the grating displacement Δ x is established . The optical logic coding rule is 1 for constructive interference and 0 for destructive interference .

  6. 部分像素衍射屏实现三维立体显示的原理及其设计

    Principle and Design of Partial Pixel Diffractive Screens for Three-dimensional Stereoscopic Display

  7. 用衍射屏平移相因子计算夫琅禾费衍射场强分布

    A study intensity distribution of the Fraunhofer diffraction field with translation phase factor of the screen

  8. 计算机模拟任意形状衍射屏的衍射楔形光纤与半导体多量子阱平面光波光路芯片的耦合分析

    Computer simulation of light wave diffraction by screens of different shape Alignment and Coupling between Planar Lightwave Circuit Chip and Wedge-Shaped Fiber

  9. 本文设计了两种自相似平面结构,制成相应的衍射屏,获得夫琅和费衍射图样。

    IB this paper , two self-similar plane structures are designed , the corresponding diffraction screens arc made and its Fraunhofer pattern are obtained .

  10. 用傅里叶变换讨论了以网格(二维正交粗光栅)为衍射屏的双(线)光源衍射理论,并介绍了用网格衍射测量光波波长的实验方法。

    After discussing the theory of gauze diffraction of light wave emitted from two linear light source with Fourier transformation an experimental method of determinating light wavelength by gauze diffraction is offered .

  11. 夫琅和费衍射场及屏函数间的傅里叶变换关系

    A Study of the Fourier Transform Relation of Fraunhofer Diffraction Field and Plate Function

  12. 本文采用标量衍射理论导出球面屏衍射的瑞利-索末菲公式及其远场近似。

    Rayleigh-Sommerfeld theory of planar screen diffraction is extended to spherical cases , related diffraction formula and its far field approximant within the spherical coordinate system are produced .

  13. 利用光学衍射原理,研制成了光纤光栅衍射屏,并与计算机神经网络相结合,开发了一种识别立体形状的视觉系统。

    An optic fiber grating diffraction screen is developed by use of optical diffraction . Combining with computer neural network , a vision system for recognizing stereo shape is developed .

  14. 用Fresnel-Kirchhoff衍射积分求解夫琅禾费衍射场分布时引入衍射屏平移相因子,可简化对较复杂衍射屏夫琅禾费衍射的讨论,加深对衍射、干涉现象的理解。

    The intensity distribution of the Fraunhofer diffraction field is studied with Fresnel-Kirchhoff diffraction integral and translation phase factor of the screen .

  15. 当入射激光功率继续增大时,由于热效应对激光横截面上的空间自相位调制产生的衍射环逐步淹没光克尔效应引起的衍射环,接收屏上的衍射图案将发生显著的变化

    But as input-power is increased , diffraction rings caused by thermo-optic effect submerge diffraction rings caused by Kerr effect . Spatial self-phase-modulation of continuous wave laser beams

  16. 作者从标量衍射理论的瑞利&索末菲公式出发,导出了描述通过照明波发散中心并与衍射屏平行的观察面所接受到的衍射花样的夫朗和费衍射公式及其成立条件。

    The formula for Fraunhofer diffraction , which describes the diffraction pattern on an observing screen locating at the divergence center of an illuminating spherical wave and being parallel with the diffracting screen , is deduced from the Rayleigh-Sommerfeld formula of the scalar diffraction theory .