
  • 网络Behavior regulation;conduct regulation;regulation of behavior
  1. 在基金利益相关者中,基金治理结构的主体部分就是围绕着基金管理人行为规制和制衡机制展开的,这构成了基金治理结构的核心内容。

    Among the relative aspects of fund interests , main part of fund governance structure develops around regulation of behavior and check-and-balance system of fund manager , which constitutes the core content of fund governance structure .

  2. 其次,行为规制争点和损失分担争点在美国法院实践中,是依据不同的理由进行法律选择的。

    Secondly , the choice of law reasons of conduct regulation issues and loss allocation issues are different in American case law , which means they have different theoretical support .

  3. WTO规则下跨国公司行为规制方式分析

    An Analysis of Regulation of the Behaviors of Multinational Corporations under WTO Rules

  4. 第四,医疗回扣行为规制的完善建议。

    Fourth , some improvement suggestions on regulating the medical commission behavior .

  5. 论纵向限制竞争行为规制之必要性与措施

    On the Necessity and Measures of Vertical Restrictive Competition Behavior Regulation Vertical Limit

  6. 法治视野下的警察执法违法行为规制社区警务改革中的警察组织变革初探

    The Reformation Path of Police System in China Study of the Police Reformation in the Community Policing

  7. 第三部分,对网络侵权行为规制的张力进行分析,重点论述法律规制中所涉及的争议。

    The third part analyzes the tension regulation , emphatically discusses legal regulation of being involved in the dispute .

  8. 一般认为,国家对吸烟行为规制的法理依据有二:损害原则与法律家父主义。

    It is generally believed that principle of injury and legal paternalism are legal principles that state regulates the conduct of smoking .

  9. 我国政府对跨国公司行为规制初探电力市场中的串谋溢价和串谋行为规制

    Initial Probing into the Chinese Government 's Regulations of MNCs ' Behavior Research on Colluding Premium Price and Collusion Behaviours Regulation in Electricity Market

  10. 第三部分从我国对搭售行为规制的现状出发,提出了我国《反不正当竞争法》规制搭售行为存在的不足。

    Part III starts from the legislative actuality and practices of Chinese " Anti-Unfair Competition Law " ruling tying arrangement and brings forward the deficiencies .

  11. 我们应在主体规制、行为规制、界定合理行政垄断与不合理行政垄断、体制立法等方面加以学习借鉴。

    We should learn from the experience from the angles of regulation of subject and behavior and legislation and how to distinguish reasonableness of administrative monopoly .

  12. 第三部分,从法律地位、组织结构、资金筹措,行为规制五个方面,阐述该组织在现行法律制度框架内的运行以及与政府的关系;

    The third one expatiates the relationship between NPO and Government among the framework of current legal system from the legal status , organizational structure , fundraising and restriction ;

  13. 第二部分主要分析了发达国家有关电子商务中不正当竞争行为规制的主要法律制度。

    The second part analyzes the principal legal systems of the acts of unfair competition in the developed countries on e-commerce regulation , and learn from the essential part .

  14. 为此,提出完善对上市公司担保行为规制的四点建议:一是对上市公司担保设定合理的限制条件;

    This author puts forward the following four advices to perfect the legal regulations of public company security : firstly , enacting the reasonable limitation on public company security ;

  15. 研究晋商团体法的对内的商业行为规制、违反商业规则的罚则以及晋商团体组织对这些规则的执行。

    To explain Jin merchants of " law " regulate internal business practices , the penalties for violations of business rules and Jin merchants organizations on the implementation of these rules .

  16. 对液化气体运输行为规制的法律仅存一般性的规定,而针对液化气体运输行为的实践中对此缺少可操作性。

    Rules of behavior of the liquefied gas transport system only have the general provisions of the law , but a liquefied gas transport behavior is the practice of this lack of operability .

  17. 全文共分六个部分。在导言部分,概要性回顾竞争的基本理论、掠夺性定价的产生背景、在实践中掠夺性定价行为规制的困境以及研究该问题的现实意义。

    In the part of introduction , I briefly introduce the basic theories of competition , the background of predatory pricing issue , the dilemma of the regulation and the realistic value of the study .

  18. 网络经济市场支配地位的认定要重点考虑网络经济效应、关键设施的知识产权和对标准的掌控三个因素。第三部分:网络经济中的垄断行为规制。

    In the conformation of the market dominance , we need to consider three factors : network economic effects , critical facilities and standards . Part ⅲ: Regulations of monopoly behavior in the network economy .

  19. 本部分通过分析我国目前标准化中的限制竞争行为规制立法和司法现状,提出我国的应该构建一套专门的法律制度体系。包括事前的预防机制和事后的反垄断法审查机制。

    This part brings out that China should establish a specific legal system through analyzing anti-competitive practice in standardization in China so as to regulate legislation and the status quo of justice , in which including pre-prevention system and inspection system of afterwards anti-monopoly law .

  20. WTO在为其成员国家设定义务、限制其管理权的同时,却没有对跨国公司的行为进行规制。

    While establishing duties for and limiting administrative powers of its members , WTO does not set rules for regulating the behavior of multinational corporations .

  21. 真实义务对民事诉讼行为的规制

    The Regulation of the Truth Obligation to Behavior in Civil Procedure

  22. 第三,医疗回扣行为法律规制的现状审视。

    Third , survey on the legal regulation of medical commission .

  23. 试论对民事诉权滥用行为的规制

    On the Regulation of Abusive Action of Civil Litigious Right

  24. 政府对管理层收购行为的规制,对维护市场秩序,起到了积极的作用。

    Government regulation regarding MBO plays positive roles for maintaining market order .

  25. 因此,对于网络上传行为进行规制已变得必要而紧迫。

    Therefore , it is necessary and urgent to govern internet upload .

  26. 第四章对我国串通招投标行为法律规制的现状以及缺陷作出论述。

    Chapter IV discusses defects of legal regulations of collusive bidding behavior .

  27. 企业不当控制行为法律规制研究

    Study on Legal Regulations of Improper Control Behavior of Enterprise

  28. 我们应当借鉴国外反垄断法对行政垄断行为进行规制的立法经验。

    We should learn from overseas experience of regulating counter-administrative monopoly behaviors .

  29. 基于共用资源管理的政府失范行为及其规制研究

    Research on Government 's Anomie Behaviors and Regulations based on Common-Pool Resources

  30. 搜索引擎信息排序与供应行为的规制研究

    The Regulation Research for the Order and Provision Behavior of Engine Information