
  • 网络Behavioral data;behavior data
  1. 行为数据分析与入侵检测系统

    Behavioral data forensics & intrusion detection systems

  2. 例如,分销渠道描述行为数据,而国籍则描述人口统计属性。

    For example , the distribution channels describe behavioral data , and the country describes a demographic property .

  3. Web客户端用户行为数据收集和分析工具的研究

    Research on a Tool for Collecting and Analyzing Web Client User Behavior Data

  4. 这一点在行为数据及部分ERP数据中得到了证实。

    This is in the behaviour data and part of the ERP data has been confirmed .

  5. 通过对数字图书馆的日志记录现状进行分析,找到目前存在的问题,进而提出基于XML的用户日志格式,并将该日志格式应用于实验系统,通过用户使用该实验系统收集一定量的用户行为数据。

    This paper analyzes the condition of log recording in digital library , finds out the existing problems , and advances a log schema based on XML which is applied in the experiment system .

  6. 通过网上接触,在线零售企业的Web站点能够收集到大量的客户数据,即包括常规的交易数据,也包括客户访问网站时的访问行为数据。

    Through keeping in touch on the internet , the website of the online retailer can collect a large number of customers ' data , namely including the routine trade data , also including the visit behavior data when the customers visit websites .

  7. 比如说,索尼一直通过playstationnetwork,将一次性客户转化为重复回访的付费用户、专有网络的会员、以及通过每次按动游戏手柄或敲击键盘向该公司提供行为数据的消费者。

    The Playstation network , for example , has been a means for Sony to turn one-off customers into repeat subscribers , members of a proprietary network and consumers who provide behavioural data with each click of a controller or keyboard .

  8. Day-by-day行为数据集广泛存在于实际应用中,比如:日复一日的股票市场由众多股票账户生成的交易数据。

    Day-by-day behavioral datasets have been widely generated in real applications , such as the transaction data in stock market created by accounts day by day .

  9. 实验结果显示:在不同的计数Stroop视觉刺激条件下,正常被试与抑郁症患者行为数据的反应时间有显著性差异,并推论这些差异可能与抑郁症患者注意执行功能障碍有关。

    Reaction time has been observed significant difference between normal subjects and depression patients in three different conditions , which was probably related with attention executing function disorder of depression patients .

  10. 本文首先简单地介绍可用性评估和用户研究主要方法,分析了多种用户行为数据搜集和分析的方法。在此基础上,重点介绍了VARA工具的系统需求、设计实现以及VARA的试验性应用与分析。

    In this thesis , the author summarizes the methods of usability evaluation and user behavior research firstly , and then introduces VARA 's design , development and application .

  11. 网站用户行为数据收集和分析方法

    Methods for Collecting and Analyzing User Behavior Data on Website

  12. 基于本体的企业行为数据模型研究

    Study on Ontology-based Model of Enterprise Behavior Data

  13. 基于校园网的用户行为数据分析系统的设计

    Design of Data Analyzing System of Visitors ' Behavior Patterns Based on Web of Campus

  14. 个体行为数据聚类的双重混合高斯模型算法

    Novel clustering algorithm for individual behavior data

  15. 用户浏览行为数据采集方法综述

    Users ' Navigation Data Collecting Methods

  16. 然而,目前银行所建立的评分卡更多地是用于客户申请,很少利用客户的行为数据建立行为评分卡。

    However , the banks use the score card for customer application , rarely use behavior data .

  17. 当前的推荐算法大都基于数据挖掘技术,通过对大量的用户行为数据进行分析及挖掘来发现相关的用户行为模式。

    These algorithms can discover the user behavior mode by mining large amount of user behavior data .

  18. 目前,有很多公司都在收集大量的消费者行为数据集,形成在线搜索模式或用户统计数据等。

    Many companies now collect large datasets on consumer behavior , be it online search patterns or user demographics .

  19. 这些海量的、干净的访问行为数据,为企业获取客户需求提供了重要的数据源。

    The mass , clean visiting behavior data provides an important data source for enterprises to gain customer needs .

  20. 为提高推荐系统的性能,必须将站点的内容和结构信息以及用户行为数据集成形成混合模式推荐系统,在推荐引擎里统一使用。

    For more effective personalization , usage , content and structure , site data must be integrated into a hybrid recommender system .

  21. 所取得的主要工作成果和创新点如下:1.提出一种新的多粒度用户行为数据收集方法。

    The contribution of the dissertation is as follow : 1 . A new method of multi-granular user behavior data collection is proposed .

  22. 推荐系统通过收集用户行为数据、分析物品之间的关联,为访问网站的用户提供合适的推荐内容。

    It collect-s user behavior data and analyzes correlations between items to provide appropriate recommendations for the users who visit the E-commerce site .

  23. 随着人们通过移动网络的交往越加频繁,电信运营商积累了越来越多的个人信息以及用户行为数据,这些数据具有非常大的价值。

    With more communication happening on the mobile network , telecom operators have accumulated much user information and behavior data which have large value .

  24. 早期关于奇偶判断任务的行为数据提供了数字大小和反应位置联合的证据。

    The early behavior data in parity judgment task supply an evidence for the association between number magnitude and the spatial location of response .

  25. 基于上述优点,本文将该算法应用于入侵检测中,对日常操作行为数据进行建模,提出一种新的入侵检测方法。

    Based on this advantage , we apply this algorithm to the intrusion detection field in this paper , and present a intrusion detection method .

  26. 认知心理学的特征是经常使用实验研究的方式,用正式的数学或计算机模型解释所得的行为数据。

    Cognitive psychology is often characterized by the common use of experimental research methods and formal mathematical or computational models to account for behavioral data .

  27. 然而,驾驶行为数据项目繁杂且数据量巨大,如何对其进行有效的管理和利用,成为当前驾驶行为研究中一个亟待解决的问题。

    However , driving behavior data is complicated and luxuriant . It has become an urgent problem how to manage and use these data efficiently .

  28. 利用用户的学习行为数据提取用户的兴趣,对其进行个性化服务,必将更具有准确性与针对性。

    As a result , gaining users ' interest by their learning behavior in order to provide individual-oriented service will be more accurate and targeted .

  29. 本文通过实验和调查,采集人员疏散行为数据,并对经验公式和疏散模型进行了验证和参数标定,可供人员疏散研究和建筑性能化设计参考。

    Empirical formulas and evacuation models are verified and calibrated . The result of this study can provide reference for evacuation study and performance-based design .

  30. 因此企业应该利用先进的数据挖掘技术分析客户的各种背景数据和过去的交易行为数据,从中获取知识,牢牢锁定客户。

    Thus enterprises should exploit advanced data mining technology to analyze the background data and past transaction data , get knowledge and win the customer .