
  • 网络motivation;motive;s-o-r
  1. 目标设置理论认为,明确的、有一定难度、具有挑战性但又能够达到的目标能够增强行为动机。

    Goal setting theory suggests that goals enhance motivation , they should be specific , and at a level of difficulty that is challenging but attainable .

  2. 大学生博客行为动机与人格特征的关系

    Relationship Between Blogging Motivation and Big Five Personality of Undergraduates

  3. 他的行为动机卑鄙。

    He acted from base motives .

  4. 本文回顾了关于动机在教学和第二外语学习方面的理论,包括有:Gardner的语言学习社会教育动机理论,行为动机理论,认知动机理论等。

    The paper reviews motivation theories including : Gardner 's Socio-educational Models , Behavioral Theories , Cognitive Theories and so on .

  5. 从行为动机出发,就生产商和供应商之间质量争端,建立了Nash均衡模型,分析了合同参数对整个供应链(包括生产过程和销售过程)中产品质量的控制作用。

    From behavior motive and quality conflict between purchasing and supply , the paper sets up a NASH model and analyzes contract parameter 's effect to quality of product in producing period .

  6. 需要是产生人的行为动机的根源。

    The need is the original motive power of human behavior .

  7. 初中生学习行为动机因素分析

    The Factor Analysis of Junior High School Students ' Learning Achievement Motivation

  8. 从人的行为动机论企业激励机制的建立

    Motivating Employees Based on Analysis of Their Motive and Behavior

  9. 社会压力动机与结构型和教师支配型活动正相关。行为动机与结构型活动正相关。

    Social pressure motivation has positive correlation with structural activities and teacher-dominated activities .

  10. 忽视这些行为动机,对于零售商来说非常危险。

    Ignoring these behavioral motives is dangerous for retailers .

  11. 文章重点是对创业板上市公司资产减值的行为动机进行实证检验。

    This paper is to GEM companies asset impairment motives for empirical test .

  12. 规制规制者的必要性:规制行为动机与结果的复杂性分析

    Regulations on Regulators : Complexity Analysis about Motivation and Consequences of Regulatory Behavior

  13. 最后分析了行为动机的差异性表现。

    And finally it analyses the manifestations of the different motivations of human behavior .

  14. 基于代理人行为动机的授权决策研究

    Delegation Decisions Based on Agent 's Behavioral Motivation

  15. 我国上市公司中盈余操纵行为动机与制度条件分析

    An Analysis of Earnings Manipulation and Loopholes in the Rules of the Listed Companies

  16. 体育教师如何激发学生的体育行为动机

    How to excite students ' motivation of sports

  17. 虚拟社区中知识交流的行为动机及影响因素研究

    A Study on Motivation and Influencing Factors in the Knowledge Communication of the Virtual Community

  18. 成就目标理论研究者基本一致地认为不同目标定向导致不同行为动机。

    Achievement goal theory researchers agree that the different goal orientation cause different behavior motivation .

  19. 少年儿童道德行为动机特征的心理分析

    Motivational characteristics of moral behavior in children

  20. 设计准则与行为动机

    Guidelines of Design and Motivation of Action

  21. 只有通过这种道德原则来决定其行为动机,我们才能成为一个有道德的人。

    And when the moral principle decides our motives , we can become a moral person .

  22. 组织公民行为动机的研究

    The Motives of Organizational Citizenship Behavior

  23. 论现代大学生对班干部的角色认知和行为动机

    Research on the Role Perception of Class Cadres and the Behavior Motive of Modern University Students

  24. 初中生亲社会行为动机中主导型动机在不同年级(年龄)、性别、学校、成绩、关系远近以及事情紧急程度上方面表现出一定的变化。

    The dominant type of prosocial behavior motivation differs in grade , gender , situation and district .

  25. 它不仅能激发个体的行为动机,还关系到个体成就水平的高低。

    It can not only stimulate someone 's motivation , but also determine his level of achievement .

  26. 任何忽视对政府及其行为动机、目标的研究都可能导致片面或不客观。

    Any study that overlooks the motivation and the goal of government would be unilateral or subjective .

  27. 无论是完全理性经济人假说,还是有限理性经济人假说,其本质都是经济人假说,经济人的行为动机一定是追求利益最大化。

    Whether complete rationality or limited rationality , the purpose of one is to max his benefits .

  28. 在此基础上编制了中学生亲社会行为动机现状调查问卷。

    On this basis , the prosocial behavior motivation type questionnaire for junior middle school students is proposed .

  29. 在《道德情操论》中,斯密关注的是道德源泉、道德判断和行为动机。

    In Theory of Moral Sentiments Smith is concerned about the moral source moral judgments , and motives .

  30. 无论是口头还是书面语言,其深层思维意识和语言行为动机是语言外部形式的惟一基础。

    Whether orally or literally , thinking ideology and language motives is the only basis of surface communication .