
  1. 对于中老年人阳虚兼央血瘀体质的调整在现代的竞争社会应引起更多的关注和重视。

    The adjustment for mid-aged and old people in yang deficiency complicated by haemostasis constitution should be attracted more attention in the modern competitive social adjustment .

  2. 认为荨麻疹的体质有气虚体质、阳虚体质、血虚体质、血瘀体质、蕴毒体质等五种基本类型;

    It was pointed out that urticaria constitution had five basic types , which were deficiency of qi , deficiency of yang , deficiency of blood , blood stasis and accumulated toxin .

  3. 年龄大、病程长的血瘀型输卵管阻塞性不孕患者血瘀体质倾向明显。

    Female infertile patients of tubal blockage of blood stasis type of elder in age , longer in course were more likely to form Blood stasis constitution . 4 .

  4. 结论:老年大鼠的血流变参数变化与人类血瘀证一致,再次验证了衰老时具血瘀样体质。

    Conclusion : The hemorheological parameter changes of old rats accord with blood stasis syndrome in human being .