
  • 网络Blood character;Bloodletter
  1. 《血字的研究》中,华生医生因病退伍从阿富汗回来。

    A Study in Scarlet , Dr Watson is invalided home from military service in Afghanistan ?

  2. 文件和其他手工作品中包括小说《血字的研究》里出现的夏洛克·福尔摩斯的第一幅素描。

    The papers and other artefacts included a first sketch of Sherlock Holmes in the novel A Study in Scarlet .

  3. 这部三集迷你剧的第一集叫做《粉红的研究》柯南道尔的第一个福尔摩斯故事是《血字的研究》。

    The first in the three-part series is called A Study In Pink Conan Doyles first Holmes story was A Study In Scarlet .

  4. 而且,他还雇佣一些街童做非法勾当,美其名曰“贝克街小分队”。我们可以在《四签名》、《血字的研究》和《驼背人》中看见他们的身影。

    He also employed a small group of street urchins to do his dirty work , which he affectionately called " The Baker Street Irregulars . " We see them in The Sign of the Four , A Study in Scarlet , and The Adventure of the Crooked Man .

  5. 是渴望与急切的喧嚣,喧嚣中除了“血”字之外别的话都听不清。

    A sound of craving and eagerness that had nothing articulate in it but blood .

  6. 它用血红的字来宣告:你不能救自己,只有上帝才能救你。

    It announces in blood-red letters that you cannot save yourself only God can save you .

  7. 我刚才在树林里是不是和魔鬼订了契约,并且用我的血签了字?

    Did I make a contract with him in the forest , and sign it with my blood ?

  8. 除去顶部角上那个戴皇冠的男人照片,网页上还有一个十分业余的城堡图片,外加通篇的血红色亮字。

    Aside from the photo of a man wearing a crown in the top corner , there is also an amateurish picture of a castle and lurid bright text scattered throughout .