
  • 网络Cellular Data
  1. 像Android这样通常在蜂窝数据网络(cellulardatanetwork)上工作的资源受限平台不能存储和解析大量XML数据。

    A resource-constrained platform such as Android , which is usually working on a cellular data network , cannot store and parse massive amounts of XML data .

  2. 我们买了一部据称“只能连接Wi-Fi”的平板电脑。这部设备能否用来接收4G蜂窝数据?

    We bought a tablet that claims to be ' Wi-Fi only . ' Can it be activated to handle 4G cellular data ?

  3. 您仍然可以拨打和接听电话,以及访问可用的EDGE或GPRS蜂窝数据网络。

    You will still be able to make and receive calls and access cellular data networks via EDGE or GPRS where available .

  4. 蜂窝数据通信&新的大众市场机遇

    Cellular Data & New Opportunity For Mass Market

  5. 蜂窝数据网的发展

    The Development of Cellular Data Network

  6. 要接收蜂窝数据的话,一部平板电脑必须配备额外的芯片、天线以及其他硬件软件,配置就像智能手机那样。

    To use cellular data , a tablet needs extra chips , antennas , and other hardware and software , similar to what a smartphone includes .

  7. 不过,如果你正处于Wi-Fi网络覆盖的边缘,手机努力想得到更好的连接,而且此时蜂窝网络数据连接良好,这种情况下例外。

    An exception is when you 're at the edges of a Wi-Fi network , where your phone is struggling to get a good connection , and you have a good cellular data connection .

  8. 文章探讨了无线局域网与蜂窝移动数据网互连与结合的机制,介绍了无线局域网与GPRS、cdma20001x、WCDMA等几种网络实现互连与结合的解决方案。

    The mechanism of the interconnection and convergence of WLAN and the cellular mobile data network is discussed , and solutions to the interconnection and convergence of WLAN with GPRS , cdma 2000 1x and WCDMA networks are introduced and analyzed .

  9. 蜂窝系统数据容量模型的研究

    Study on data capacity model of cellular system

  10. 提出了一种基于蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统的无线分组modem即CDPDmodem的软硬件实现方案。

    An implementation scheme of software and hardware for CDPD ( cellular digital packet data ) modem is presented in this paper .

  11. 针对CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据)系统移动信道的特点,讨论了它的差错控制编码方案。

    According to the characteristics of the mobile channels of CDPD systems , an error control coding scheme is discussed .

  12. 蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)系统是基于模拟蜂窝电话网的无线分组数据通信系统。

    The cellular digital packet data ( CDPD ) system is a wireless packet communication system based on analog cellular telephone networks .

  13. CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据)的一个主要目标是提供与现有网络和应用的兼容性。

    One of the primary objectives of the cellular digital packet data ( CDPD ) networks is to provide compatibility with existing networks and applications .

  14. 目前,CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据网)被公认为最佳无线数据格式。它是基于现有蜂窝电话网,以数字分组数据技术为基础、以蜂窝移动通信为组网方式的移动无线数据通信技术。

    CDPD is currently considered as the best wireless data format : It 's a mobile wireless data communication technology based on digital packet theory and used in existing cellular telephone networks .

  15. 蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)网是一种移动分组数据技术,具有较低的建网、运营成本和业务费用,因此具有广泛推广的价值。

    Cellular Digital Packet Data ( CDPD ) network is one of the mobile packet data technologies , with rather lower cost of network laying , operation and lower service fees and worthy of popularization .

  16. CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据)是利用模拟蜂窝电话网实现分组数据传输的一种网络技术,其数据链路层的功能主要是提供一条可靠、高效的逻辑连接。

    The data link layer ( DLL ) of CDPD ( cellular digital packet data ) MES ( mobile end system ) is mainly focused on providing a reliable and effective connection between MES and MDBS ( mobile data base station ) .

  17. CDPD(蜂窝数字分组数据)是一种无线技术,它使用现有的模拟移动蜂窝系统的无线设备和频段来提供基于分组交换的数据传输服务,扩展了模拟移动蜂窝系统的业务支持能力。

    CDPD ( Cellular digital packet data ) is a kind of wireless technology , that provides packet switched data transfer service using the radio equipment and bands in the existing analog mobile cellular systems . It extends the service supporting capability of the analog mobile cellular systems .

  18. 蜂窝网络的数据及语音综合接入方案

    Access Mechanisms for Voice / Data Integration Services in Cellular Radio

  19. 蜂窝数字分组数据技术及其在我国的应用前景

    The CDPD Technology and Its Applying Prospect in China

  20. 我们可以使用蜂窝基站的数据吗?

    Can we use cell phone tower data ?

  21. 欧洲各国蜂窝移动电话数据统计表

    Statistics of Cellular Mobile Telephone in Europe

  22. 本文介绍了用于蜂窝网络的数据及语音综合接入方案。

    This paper introduces the access mechanisms integrated with data and voice based on cellular network .

  23. 同时建立了一个基于TDMA/FDMA蜂窝小区的数据容量解析模型来分析该体制的性能。

    In the following , an analytical model of data capacity in TDMA / FDMA cellular systems is developed for the performance simulation of the scheme .

  24. 蜂窝系统中的数据传输研究

    Study of the Data Transmission for Cellular System

  25. 根据蚂蜂窝旅游网的数据统计显示,里约中心的一些五星级酒店早已被预订一空,而四星酒店的价格也在飙升。

    Statistics from Mafengwo showed that some five-star hotels in the center of Rio have long been booked out , while prices at four-star hotels surged .

  26. 近年来,移动蜂窝技术的高速发展以及因特网用户的迅速增长预示着新的市场潜力,并由此而发展出新的通讯业务:蜂窝无线数据业务。

    The impressive growth of cellular mobile telephony as well as the number of Internet users promises an exciting potential for a market that combines both innovations : cellular wireless data services .