
xū pàng
  • puffiness
虚胖 [xū pàng]
  • [puffiness] 指由内分泌疾患引起的脂肪异常增多的症状

虚胖[xū pàng]
  1. Mila在她早期提升中就有这一倾向,从而导致了情绪的极端不平衡及严重虚胖与水肿。

    Mila had this tendency most of her earlier ascension , and it lead to days of extreme emotional imbalance , and a lot of puffiness and water retention .

  2. 身体虚胖通常是短期的,并通过运动而消除。

    The puffiness is generally short term and releases through movement .

  3. 他各方面都是徒有其表,身体虚胖,心灵虚夸。

    He is swollen in everything , in body and in mind .

  4. 体重降低,使她面容憔悴,形同麻杆,间或也夹杂着阵阵虚胖和超重。

    Weight loss , making her look gaunt and stringy , alternated with periods of puffiness and overweight .

  5. 她说,因为她“虚胖”,父母就希望她参加一项运动。

    Zheng 's parents wanted her to take up a sport because she was " really weak and fat , " she said .

  6. 这种脓液如果大量积聚的话,就会膨胀以太体,导致身体的虚胖与水肿。

    This pus , if it collects in large enough amounts , will bloat the etheric body leading to physical " puffiness " and water retention .

  7. 当初他定然是身强体壮,如今这大块头却是歪斜颓唐,臃肿虚胖,像就要向四面八方散了架子。

    At one time he must have been immensely strong ; now his great body was sagging , sloping , bulging , falling away in every direction .

  8. 痰湿、瘀血证候在虚胖者中也更多见,而且虚胖者偏重于水湿证,实胖者偏重于痰浊证。

    What 's more , the dampness syndrome and blood stasis syndrome are more frequently met in deficient obesity , but in excessive obesity the phlegm syndrome is more familiar .

  9. 超过20%的学生认为肥胖少年性格大大咧咧、日后就业难、身体虚胖、易衰老、行动迟缓、运动受限。

    More than 20 % of the students considered obese adolescents as careless , difficult to find work in the future , puffy , easy to age , slowly acting , and difficult for exercise .

  10. 本研究通过对266例成年人超重或肥胖者的临床表现、肥胖相关因素进行统计分析,表明成年人单纯性肥胖可以大致分为实胖与虚胖两类,前者居多。

    In this study , the clinical symptoms and obesity related factors of 266 overweight or obese adults were analyzed by using SPSS ( edition 10.0 ) programs . The results show that the obese individuals can be classified into two groups & excessive obesity and deficient obesity .