- Virtual currency;cybermoney

To purchase them , users go to an online exchange service where they can convert their local currency into virtual money .
China 's financial market regulators are seeking opinions about how to better regulate trading of bitcoin , the virtual currency . These steps may include setting up a depository platform , said sources with close knowledge of the matter .
Another stream is selling players more " notes " if they run out .
Other events at CES focus on sectors such as 3-D printing , mobile apps , health-related gadgets , technology startups and the virtual currency bitcoin .
Facebook is expected to grow to nearly $ 4.3 billion in sales thanks in large part to Facebook credits .
Digital Gold , Nathaniel Popper 's examination of the rise of bitcoin , the virtual currency ;
EA also makes money from games such as Sims social when heavy users buy virtual currency and other items for their games .
He want convert part of his contract , worth $ 34 million over three years , into a digital token .
Now , though , Apple will allow iOS developers to support the use of certain cyber coinage .
The damage to the virtual currency trading community was significant , say people who have studied the affair .
Every time the player hits a groom , his value decreases and money is added to the player 's Anti-Dowry Fund , which is saved posted on their Facebook page .
Fred Wilson , a partner in Union Square Ventures , said last week that virtual currencies reminded him of the internet of the early 1990s and had similar innovative potential .
What has attracted less coverage is that it soon will be dropping Facebook credits in favor of local currency pricing & a vital step towards offering full-service payment functionality online .
In September the social network pushed Zynga into using its virtual currency , called " Facebook Credits , " so Facebook gets 30 % of what Zynga 's users spend .
After carefully analyzing the documents and research result about the influence factor of E-loyalty , our paper get the research system and research model base on the TAM model .
Bitcoin is a kind of pure P2P digital cash which can meet the need of decentralization , and the total amount of the currency can be evaluated , thus it will limit the probability of inflation .
Within the social games played on Facebook , so-called " in-game offers " allow users to earn virtual currency by signing up for trials of anything from Netflix , the film rental service , to vitamin supplements .
Bitcoin , a virtual online " currency , " seems to be gaining traction and legitimacy among those who need to transfer or launder their cash outside of the prying eyes of regulators .
Many devotees of Clash of Clans and other Supercell games spend real money on fake currency and other resources to build their in-game power and heft .
These champions point especially to successes in Kenya , where M-Pesa has become a virtual currency , used by more than seven in 10 adults , who together make more transactions each year than Western Union , the money transfer service company , sends globally .
One buys extra virtual currency at the exchange rate of $ 240 ( 145 ) in FarmVille for $ 40 ( 24 ) in the real world .
The second , GratisPay , a virtual-currency platform for internet games , was sold last year to SponsorPay , a German rival .
Both games are free , but like nearly all of the most lucrative mobile titles today , they generate revenue through microtransactions - purchases of virtual currency that help players advance more quickly . And players buy a lot of virtual goodies from Supercell .
The game - in which players try to capture exotic monsters from Pok é mon , the Japanese cartoon franchise - uses a combination of ordinary technologies built into smartphones , including location tracking and cameras , to encourage people to visit public landmarks , seeking virtual loot and collectible characters that they try to nab .
However , the virtual currency also causes many social problems .
Inside the growing and very lucrative world of virtual currency .
So the virtual currency must be defined as a whole .
China bars use of virtual money for real goods trading .
Analyzing Impact of Internet Virtual Money on Money Supply and Demand
Viewers paid him with virtual currency if they liked the videos .