
  • 网络Virtual team management;Managing a Virtual Team to Project Success
  1. 产品开发的跨组织虚拟团队管理

    Multi-Organizational Virtual Team Management Based on Product Development

  2. 虚拟团队管理的生命周期模式分析

    A Lifecycle Model of Virtual Team Management

  3. 跨组织虚拟团队管理研究

    Research into the Management of Virtual Team Across Organization

  4. 基于生命周期的虚拟团队管理流程

    Life Cycle Management Process of Virtual - Team

  5. 本文围绕着虚拟团队管理理论与创新进行了较为深入系统的研究。

    In this paper , a systematical study of virtual-team is made center on its theories and innovation .

  6. 本文的分析与研究成果,对工程咨询项目中引入虚拟团队管理思想,以及如何应用,具有一定的参考价值。

    The analysis and study in this paper will be of reference values for the introduction and application of virtual team in engineering consulting projects .

  7. 因此,对虚拟团队管理中的知识共享问题进行研究,是十分必要且具有现实意义的。

    So it is very necessary to study the problem of knowledge sharing of virtual teams . Firstly , the knowledge sharing of virtual teams is analyzed in-depth .

  8. 虚拟团队是管理领域的新概念。

    Virtual team is a new conception in management field .

  9. 试论虚拟团队的管理

    On Management of the Virtual Team

  10. 在虚拟团队沟通管理方面,首先分析了虚拟团队沟通的影响因素,然后对不同类型的沟通方式进行介绍,最后提出了虚拟团队沟通的要点;

    In the management of communication , the author first analyzes the factors that can influence the communication of virtual team , and then introduces various types of communication means , and finally presents the main points for the communication of virtual team .

  11. 虚拟科研团队及其管理研究

    Research On Virtual Scientific Research Team and Its Management

  12. 虚拟团队中知识管理的影响因素及运行机制研究

    Research on Influencing Factors and Operational Mechanism of Virtual Teams ' Knowledge Management

  13. 虚拟团队生命周期管理对策研究

    Managing the Life Cycle of Virtual Teams

  14. 如何实现对虚拟团队的良好管理成为企业管理的一个新的内容。

    How to realize good management of virtual team has become a hot issue in enterprise management .

  15. 指出网络时代的到来,使得虚拟团队研究在管理学领域中备受瞩目。

    The advent of Internet age has made the virtual team research be the focus of attention in management field .

  16. 在大型IT项目中突出的虚拟团队的多文化管理问题上,提出了有效的分析和建议;

    On the issue of typical multi-culture of a virtual team in a large IT project , valid and insight analysis is made and suggestions offered ;

  17. 相应地,虚拟团队的人力资源管理面临着成员间信任水平低、文化差异大、孤立感强、绩效评估和激励难等新的挑战。

    And the management of manpower resources of suppositional group is facing new challenges : low trust , great different culture , strong isolated feel , difficult evalution and inspiration and so on .

  18. 因此,加强虚拟团队的人力资源管理可采取以下措施选拔有能力的领导和高素质的成员队伍、建立以信任为基础的团队文化、帮助成员克服孤立感、提高沟通效率以及采取相应的激励措施。

    So we should take the following measures to strengthen its management : to choose high quality leader and members , to establish group culture based on trust , to help member overcome isolated feel , to improve efficiency of interchange and to adopt relevant inspiration measures .

  19. 其次,阐述了虚拟软件团队实施目标管理的步骤以及在实施过程中遇到的问题,同时结合虚拟软件团队的特性对目标管理的各个环节进行了较为深入系统地研究。

    Secondly , describes the steps to implement management by objectives in virtual software teams as well as the problems encountered in the implementation process , and does an in-depth systematic study on all aspects of management by objectives in connection with the characteristics of virtual software teams .

  20. 伴随着信息化与全球化,虚拟团队理论的研究成为管理学的前沿课题;深入地研究虚拟团队的组织与管理问题,具有重要的理论意义和应用价值。

    With information and economy intensified and globalized , studies of the theory of virtual team have become a frontier topic in the area of management and business . It is very important both in theory and application to make a thorough study of the management issues of virtual team .