
xū ruò
  • weakness;weak;debilitated;feeble;infirmity;frailty;faintness;week;be in poor health;in poor health
虚弱 [xū ruò]
  • (1) [week;feeble;debilitated;be in poor health]∶身体衰弱,元气亏损

  • 极度虚弱的老人

  • (2) [in poor health;weak]∶不结实

  • 病后身体很虚弱

虚弱[xū ruò]
  1. 虽然阿瑞娜的身体虚弱已经有很长一段时间了,但这在失去母亲不久后的又一个打击,对他们兄弟俩影响仍然非常大。

    Though Ariana had been in poor health for a long time , the blow , coming so soon after the loss of their mother , had a profound effect on both of her brothers .

  2. 这个病症正在好转,但她还是很虚弱。

    The disease is in remission , though she remains in poor health .

  3. 他临终时很虚弱。

    He became very weak towards the end of his life .

  4. 这婴儿出生时全身发青,非常虚弱。

    When the baby was born , it was blue and distressed .

  5. 那场病使她感到虚弱无力,提不起精神。

    The illness left her feeling listless and depressed .

  6. 她病后仍然虚弱。

    She is still weak after her illness .

  7. 反常的炎热令他虚弱无力。

    The unaccustomed heat made him weary .

  8. 她虚弱得站都站不住。

    She was too weak to stand .

  9. 她面色苍白,显得虚弱。

    Her cheeks had an unhealthy pallor .

  10. 她小时候很虚弱,父母就把她当个病人照料。

    She had been a delicate child and her parents had treated her as an invalid .

  11. 由于缺乏休息,这些男人日渐虚弱。

    The men were daily becoming weaker from want of rest .

  12. 我看见她的时候,她有点虚弱无力。

    She was feeling a bit groggy when I saw her .

  13. 我太虚弱了,无法动弹,无法思考,也无法说话。

    I was too weak to move or think or speak

  14. 在很长一段时间里,她身体日渐虚弱,最后离开人世。

    She died after a long period of increasing frailty .

  15. 这样可能会导致身体虚弱和肌肉萎缩。

    This can lead to bodily weakness and muscle wastage .

  16. 他已经很虚弱的身体受着高烧的折磨。

    His already infirm body was racked by high fever

  17. 在有人搀扶的情况下她还是能够下楼的,但是很虚弱。

    She can still come downstairs with assistance but she 's very weak .

  18. 她躺在床上,看上去特别虚弱。

    She lay in bed looking particularly frail .

  19. 他的四肢虚弱无力。

    His arms and legs were weak .

  20. 营养不良明显导致病人身体虚弱。

    Malnutrition obviously weakens the patient .

  21. 一开始他感觉很好,但慢慢地就变虚弱了。

    In the beginning he had felt well , but little by little he was becoming weaker

  22. 随着时间的流逝,我的祖母变得日益伤感和虚弱。

    My grandmother was becoming more and more sad and frail as the years went by .

  23. 他感到恼火和莫名其妙的虚弱,仿佛经历了一场重感冒,正在康复。

    He felt irritated and strangely fragile , as if he were recovering from a severe bout of flu .

  24. 她那虚弱的胳臂无力地垂在身边。

    Her feeble arm dropped powerless to her side .

  25. 我觉得她依然很虚弱。

    I felt that she was still very weak .

  26. 她母亲长期患病,身体很虚弱。

    Her mother was weak from a long illness .

  27. 她虚弱的手几乎连杯子也拿不住。

    Her frail hands could hardly hold a cup .

  28. 她仍然感觉身体有点虚弱。

    She was still feeling a bit frail .

  29. 那个虚弱的男孩子摇晃着倒下了。

    That feeble boy swayed and fell .

  30. 反动派看起来很强大,实际上十分虚弱。

    The reactionaries are fierce in appearance but feeble in reality .