
nüè dài dònɡ wù
  • the cruelty to animals
  1. 我无法容忍虐待动物的人。

    I can 't stand people who are cruel to animals .

  2. 他们因虐待动物而被判有罪。

    They were found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to animals .

  3. 这是我见过的最严重的虐待动物的事例。

    It was the most extreme example of cruelty to animals I had ever seen .

  4. 这是抗击虐待动物的一种方式。

    This is a way of fighting cruelty against animals .

  5. 她憎恶虐待动物

    She abhors cruelty to animals .

  6. 动物权利保护团体对韩国司法部的这项修正案表示欢迎,同时呼吁对虐待动物行为实施更严厉的处罚,并推行狗肉禁令。

    Animal rights groups welcomed the justice ministry 's plan while also calling for stricter penalties for animal abuse and a ban on dog meat .

  7. 韩国某议员办公室发布的数据显示,韩国虐待动物案件数量从2010年的69件上升到了2019年的914件。

    The number of animal abuse cases in the country increased from 69 in 2010 to 914 in 2019 , data published by a lawmaker 's office showed .

  8. 位于纽约的美国防止虐待动物协会(AmericanSocietyforthePreventionofCrueltytoAnimals)的会长马特·柏沙德克尔(MattBershadker)说,据估计,每年有140万只猫(及120万条狗)被安乐死。

    An estimated 1.4 million cats ( and 1.2 million dogs ) are euthanized annually , said Matt Bershadker , the president of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals of New York .

  9. 我们把虐待动物的人关进监狱,我们不顾危险在四周布满鲸鱼和捕鲸船的船上游玩,我们带着童年时期关于小鹿斑比(Bambi)妈妈的悲惨遭遇的痛苦回忆。

    We jail people who abuse animals , put ourselves in harm 's way in boats between whales and whalers , carry our childhood traumas of what happened to Bambi 's mother .

  10. 这不仅仅是残忍地虐待动物。

    It 's not just a tragic abuse of the animals .

  11. 这不算是虐待动物吧?

    All right . This isn 't animal cruelty or something , is it ?

  12. 但他们可能犯了虐待动物罪而不自知。

    But they could have been guilty of animal cruelty without even knowing it .

  13. 动物控制官的职责是从街头、废弃的家园和虐待动物的主人手里解救动物们。

    Animal control officers rescue animals from street corners , abandoned homes and abusive owners .

  14. 英国皇家制止虐待动物协会称,这次热浪将可能对该州的野生动植物带来毁灭性后果。

    The RSPCA said the heatwave could have a devastating effect on the state 's wildlife .

  15. 这名在爱达荷州普雷斯顿任教、名叫罗伯特·克罗斯兰德的教师被指控虐待动物。

    Robert Crosland , who teaches in Preston , Idaho , was charged with misdemeanour animal cruelty .

  16. 一泰国佛堂被控虐待动物,警方在该佛堂发现了40只死亡的老虎幼崽。

    Officials in Thailand found 40 dead tiger cubs at a Buddhist temple accused of animal abuse .

  17. 同时他还坚定地,决绝地反对所有任何虐待动物的行径,任何动物,只除了鹅。

    He was also firmly and utterly opposed to all and any forms of cruelty to any animals whatsoever except geese .

  18. 据《赫芬顿邮报》报道,虽然中国先前对此类事情进行过惩罚或制裁,但诸如在动物园虐待动物的事例还是屡次上演。

    According to the Huffington Post , instances of animal abuse at zoos have continued in China , despite previous crackdowns .

  19. 美国至少有七十五个动物福利组织,他们为流浪动物及被虐待动物提供照顾与领养的服务。

    At least 75 animal welfare organizations exist in America . These provide care and adoption services for homeless and abused animals .

  20. 但是不论海龟活着还是已经死亡,许多网友仍然对此行为愤恨不已,他们声称这张图片传播了虐待动物的恶行。

    But despite whether the animal was dead or alive many were left angry as they claim the image promotes animal cruelty .

  21. 不过,一些推特用户的反应可就没有这么温和了。一些人甚至呼吁以虐待动物罪逮捕三岁的乔治小王子。

    The reaction among some Twitter users was less tempered , with some calling for the three-year-old to be arrested for animal cruelty .

  22. 近日英国防止虐待动物协会宣布,越来越多的黑猫遭到主人遗弃,因为黑猫在主人自拍时不上镜。

    Today the RSPCA announced a rise in the number of black cats being abandoned by their owners , and attributed it to them not photographing well .

  23. 康普顿随后被捕,同时被指控四项兽奸罪、四项非法侵入罪和四项虐待动物的轻微罪。

    Compton was arrested , when he was charged with four counts of bestiality , four counts of criminal trespassing and four counts of misdemeanor cruelty to animals .

  24. 2013年,游客在杭州动物园向狮子扔雪球的一组照片在网上疯传,众多网友都对这一虐待动物的行为发表评论,进行批评。

    In 2013 , a series of photos showing visitors at the Hangzhou Zoo throwing snowballs at lions went viral and received thousands of comments criticizing the abuse .

  25. 罗恩跑过去捡起海德薇,它还在那里大吵大叫,使得许多围观的人说他们虐待动物。

    Ron ran to pick up Hedwig , who was causing such a scene that there was a lot of muttering about cruelty to animals from the surrounding crowd .

  26. 在这段广告视频中,一位盲人足球运动员将一只猫从球场的一头踢到另一头。投诉原因是既不尊重盲人,又鼓励人们虐待动物。

    The footage of a blind football player kicking a cat across a pitch was said to be offensive to blind people and at risk of encouraging animal cruelty .

  27. 英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSCPA)表示,不建议其他小孩效仿小王子的行为。

    The the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ( RSCPA ) animal welfare charity said it did not advise others to follow the child 's example .

  28. 我听说了一些事是多么激动人心在哪里在农场里遭受虐待的动物得到救助

    and when i hear aobut things that this is so inspiring.they rescue abused farm animals

  29. 那是一个美妙的天堂在那里遭受虐待的动物们得到了生活的第二次机会

    It 's an amazing sanctuary where abused and neglected animals get a second chance at life

  30. 这并不是要存心虐待这些动物,而是因为当环境暖和了,它们会变得十分好斗,很难应付。

    This is not in order to torture the beasts but , rather , because when kept warm they are unmanageably aggressive .