
  1. 中文图书藏用情况量化分析

    Measure Analyzing Collection with Using of the Chinese Books

  2. 非物质文化遗产文献化及其藏用探析&以端砚制作技艺为例

    Documentation of Non-material Cultural Heritage and Its Use of Possession : Taking Duan Inkslab Production Techniques as an Example

  3. 评估促发展&甘肃农业大学图书馆中文图书藏用情况述评

    Assessment for Development of Gansu Agricultural University Library at Collection & Utilization with the Situation of Chinese Book Review

  4. 中国古代藏冰用冰礼俗述论

    China 's Ancient Conventions of Storing Ice and Ice Use

  5. 中国古代藏冰用冰开始于何时,目前尚难断言。

    At present it is hard to declare when China 's ancient storing ice and ice use started .

  6. 本文认为,当前高校图书馆管理中存在着藏和用、书本位和人本位、管理者和被管理者之间的生态失衡现象,进而论证了高校图书馆管理生态理论对高校图书馆发展的意义。

    This paper thinks there are lost of ecological balance between collection and use , book standard and human standard , administrator and reader in contemporary libraries ' administration in universities , then demonstrates the significance of libraries ' administration ecological theory to libraries ' development in universities .

  7. 应用多分支水平井勘探开发油气藏,比用直井效益更好。

    Reservoir exploration and development by multi-lateral horizontal wells has greater economic benefits than straight wells .

  8. 流化床内的固定藏量可以用测定床层的压降办法很容易地求得。(构词成分)有特定的一张床或者多张床。

    The inventory of solids in a fluidized bed can easily be found by pressure drop measurements across the bed .

  9. 讨论了藏血与用血、裹血在功能上的差异,由于毛细血管在结构上与动静脉血管有着显著的差异,决定了其在五藏归属上不同于动静脉血管。

    The difference of capillary and vein and artery in structure decides that it is different from vein and artery on ownership of five organs .

  10. 经皮穿刺肺大疱内固定减容术治疗巨大肺大疱流化床内的固定藏量可以用测定床层的压降办法很容易地求得。

    Lung volume reduction surgery by intra-bullous adhesion pexy by percutaneous lung centesis , an alternative in the management of giant bullae The inventory of solids in a fluidized bed can easily be found by pressure drop measurements across the bed .

  11. 解放油罐车主要的区别是藏灯,不要用细丝。

    The main difference is that HID lamps do not make use of filaments .

  12. 藏起来是没用的。

    There is no use in hiding .

  13. 物质平衡法是气藏储量计算中用得最多、计算较为准确的一种方法。

    Material balance method is most used in reserve calculation of gas reservoirs , and its calculating results are accurate relatively .

  14. 我没有想向中那么坚强,我只是把泪水藏在心里,用微笑面对每一件突如其来的事。

    I am not like that strong as I thought , I just hide the tear inside my heart , use smile to face every precipitate matter .

  15. 但是,容易寻找的简单构造油气藏大都已发现,剩下未发现的油气藏大都是复杂构造、地层和岩性圈闭油气藏。用地震技术到底能不能找到那些复杂的隐蔽油气藏?

    However , most of simple reservoirs have been discovered and those undiscovered are mostly complex structural , stratigraphic and lithologic ones .