
  1. 大部分上述国家在下放薪酬职能时,也对其职级安排进行了重大改革。

    In parallel with the decentralisation of pay described above , most of the countries we surveyed have also implemented major changes to their grading arrangements .

  2. 其次从理论上对企业薪酬的职能进行了粗略的探讨,力图用现代激励理论指导分配制度改革。

    Second this paper discussed the salary function in theory and tried to direct distribution system using the modern incentive theory .

  3. 在发达的资本主义市场中,大部分企业都设有薪酬委员会职能部门,通过薪酬委员会来合理的规范和控制高管薪酬,有效的制约了高管薪酬粘性问题的产生。

    In the developed capitalist market , most enterprises have a Remuneration Committee remuneration committee functions , through reasonable regulation and control of executive compensation , effectively restricts the executive compensation viscous problems .

  4. 而在整个人力资源管理体系中,薪酬管理是所有职能中最基本也是最重要的。

    While , in the whole system of HR management , the salary management is the most fundamental and important one in all of the functions .

  5. 最后,从与薪酬制度、职位职能等相联系这一层次简要介绍了绩效考核的实施、反馈以及其结果应用等内容。

    Finally , it introduces briefly the practice , feedback and use of performance appraisal through relating with the of the salary system , position function system etc.

  6. 主要内容包括:薪酬的概念、薪酬的分类、马克思工资理论、薪酬的几种形式、薪酬的职能、影响薪酬的因素以及与薪酬相关的激励理论;薪酬体系及相关理论。

    The main content include : concept of compensation , classification of compensation , Marx Salary Theory , some forms of compensation , the functions of compensation , factors which may affect compensation and some relating inspiriting theories of compensation .