
The ranking also shows that wherever they work , alumni of programmes in Europe experience greater increases in salaries .
To be sure , managers cut payrolls much more drastically than they normally do during a recession .
Singapore is set to cut its politicians ' pay by up to 51 per cent amid mounting public concern at income inequality and the rising cost of living in the wealthy city-state .
The salary had increased in a reasonable rate .
The incomes of graduates from universities listed in China 's 211 , or 985 key university national projects are far ahead of those from ordinary universities , the survey found .
Each of the five countries , to varying degrees , has taken steps to decentralise the determination of pay levels and adjustments to individual departments and agencies .
We 're willing to be generous but we cannot agree to pay rises that will cause irretrievable damage to the competitivene of the airline and Hong kong .
Based on the salaries of graduates in 2012 , the report showed that the salary increase was substantial in the e-commerce sector .