
  1. 16年前,1999年4月1日,英国最低薪酬标准生效。

    The UK minimum wage took effect 16 years ago this week , on April 1 1999 .

  2. 难怪政府有意颁布整个金融业薪酬标准的想法,令大家神经紧张。

    No wonder nerves are frayed by the intent to issue standards for compensation across the financial sector .

  3. 他说:你可以控制自己国内的薪酬标准,但你还能怎么样呢?

    He said : You can control compensation in one country but what are you going to do ?

  4. 最低薪酬标准就像男女同工同酬的原则一样,不再广受质疑。

    The principle of the minimum wage , like the principle of equal pay for women , is no longer widely questioned .

  5. 但到目前为止,最低薪酬标准好像并没有摧毁很多的岗位&至少,对总体数据按类别进行分析并不能得出这样的结果。

    And yet , the minimum wage does not seem to have destroyed many jobs & or at least , not in a way that can be discerned by slicing up the aggregate data .

  6. 但他警告说:“尽管今天的英国很受求职者青睐,但我们预计,随着经济衰退和汇率水平开始对英国的薪酬标准带来不利影响,人才竞争将更加激烈。”

    But , he warned : " while the UK is popular with jobseekers today , we predict an increase in competition for talent as the recession and exchange rates start to hit pay packets . "

  7. 例如,从事阻R&D的人员、经理层等他们的薪酬标准是不能与在车间从事简单重复劳动的工人一样的。

    For example , people who work on R & D sector or manager positions should not be paid salary by the same payment standard with general workers who do simple and repeatable in the workshop .

  8. 包括制定合理的独立董事薪酬标准、建立独立董事长期激励机制、加强对独立董事的声誉激励等;三、完善独立董事责任制度。

    Including the development of independent directors pay reasonable standards , the establishment of an independent chairman of incentive mechanism to enhance the reputation of independent directors , and other incentives ; three , and improve the system of independent directors responsibility .

  9. 但对于那些考虑搬到东京的人来说,现在倒是可以试试下面这个方法:利用这份调查和老板谈下更高的薪酬标准。事实上你即将前往的这座城市并非亚洲生活成本最高的地方!

    But for those of you thinking of the move to Tokyo , now 's the time to do it : the survey can help you negotiate a better package when you move to a city that 's certainly not the most expensive in Asia .

  10. 公职人员的一揽子报酬应该等价于人力资本投资成本,以及对社会资本变现限制的补偿。具体薪酬标准还受到岗位供需情况,薪酬政策目标,财政状况等因素的影响而浮动。

    The total award to civil servants is equal to the average investment of human capital and the return for the restrained social capital . The practical design of compensations is also influenced by the factors as job supply and demand , policy target and fiscal situation .

  11. 同时,大公司应该强烈要求制定一个比富时100指数更好的薪酬衡量标准,富时100指数越来越不能衡量英国商业的情况了。

    Also , big companies should press for a better yardstick for compensation than is provided by the FTSE 100 index , an increasingly irrelevant measure of business in Britain .

  12. 还有哪个星球上,会出现律所高级合伙人薪酬是最低工资标准100多倍的现象呢?

    On what planet is a senior partner worth more than 100 times the minimum wage ?

  13. 更普遍的说,我们应当为我们行业的薪酬体制制定基本标准。

    More generally , we should apply basic standards to how we compensate people in our industry .

  14. 行政部门的薪酬通常按照国家标准采取‘一刀切’的政策,但在私营部门,薪水是根据当地的劳动力市场制定的。

    In the civil service , pay is usually set on a ` one size fits all ` basis at a national level , whereas in the private sector pay is set in accordance with local labour markets .

  15. 上市公司高管薪酬差距是否能推动公司业绩增长已经成为衡量高管薪酬差距合理性的标准,也成为公司制定薪酬政策的重要参考。

    Whether the pay gap between senior executives of listed companies can promote the growth of firm performance has become the standard when judging the rationality of the pay gap .

  16. 在薪酬体系方面,对兼并企业的研发人员,多参照原所在企业的薪酬标准;对外聘专家,通过劳资双方谈判的方式确定。

    On the compensation system of merger , the R & D personnel , many refer to the original place enterprise salary standard , foreign experts , through collective bargaining way of determining .

  17. 更加透明化、全面的薪酬信息披露制度对防止高管擅自增加自身隐形薪酬具有重要意义。③建立健全薪酬激励市场标准。

    Transparent and comprehensive information disclosure is important for preventing the executive increase their job expense without authorization ③ Establish the pay incentive market standards .