
  1. 一项最新研究对CEO的薪酬构成和数额提出了质疑,这些质疑必须获得回应和解答&而且要快。

    A new study raises questions about the structure and size of CEO pay that deserve answers & and fast .

  2. 知识型员工全面薪酬构成的激励研究

    The Research on the Total Reward Constitutes for Knowledge Workers

  3. 导游薪酬构成指标体系研究

    A Research on the Index System of Tour Guide Salary

  4. 董事薪酬构成比较单一,缺少期权等长期激励性报酬;

    It is relatively single that the forms of the director salary , and lack remuneration of encouraging nature for a long time , such as option , etc.

  5. 调查结果表明,尽管人们普遍反感企业领导人在金融和经济危机中的所作所为,但在薪酬构成问题上的观点却泾渭分明。

    The poll findings underline starkly different views on reforming executive pay in spite of widespread disgust at the behaviour of business leaders in the financial and economic crises .

  6. 本文认为飞行员薪酬构成应包括间接薪酬和直接薪酬,其中间接薪酬由福利保障、带薪休假和服务与津贴构成,而直接薪酬由基本薪酬、绩效薪酬和激励薪酬构成。

    The article holds that pilots ' income should be composed of direct pay and indirect pay . The indirect pay is made up of welfare assurance , paid holidays and allowance . While the direct pay consists of basic pay , performance pay and incentive pay .

  7. 其次简述了薪酬的构成、设计原则、发展趋势等有关理论,以及激励的方式和作用等有关理论,为确定评价指标奠定了基础;

    Then the composition of pay , design principle and tendency as well as ways of incentive and its function is briefly introduced and foundation for estimate is laid ;

  8. 成本计算方面的指标有:薪酬结构构成比例、薪酬结构与直接成本比率、订单与薪酬结构比率。效益计算方面的指标有:薪酬结构与利润系数,薪酬结构与销售收入系数等。

    Cost indices used include ratio of wage structure composition , ratio of wage structure to direct cost , ratio of sales order to wage structure ; Effectiveness indices used include coefficient of wage structure to net profit , coefficient of wage structure to sales .

  9. 运用人力资源管理相关理论分析了中国企业薪酬的基本构成。

    The article analyzes the basic constitutes of enterprise salary in our country by applying the theories of HR .

  10. 研究表明,股权集中度与上市公司高管违规成显著正相关;董事会规模、高管薪酬、学历构成、内部人控制等因素与上市公司高管违规有显著相关关系。

    We find that equity concentration has a positive correlation with top management fraud , that board scale , top management salary , education background and internal control have significant relation with fraud .

  11. 揭示知识型员工全面薪酬激励的关键构成因素及其特点,为企业知识型员工的激励提供实践性指导。

    Pointout the key factors of total reward incentive and its traits , to give a practical instruction to the knowledge workers'incentive in the company .

  12. 本文首先对相关理论进行了概述,其中包括激励的定义及作用,现代激励理论,薪酬的界定及构成,宽带薪酬设计思想等内容。

    This thesis carries on the summary to relevant theories at first , including the definition and function of motivation , the motivation theory , the definition and composition of the salary , the broadband salary theory , etc.

  13. 本文首先对薪酬的定义、构成、功能、设计原则、程序作了较为全面的说明,并简要介绍了对于薪酬体系研究和管理至关重要的激励理论。

    This paper firstly summarizes the definition , structure , function , principle of design and process of design and reviews the theory of motivation , that is very important in the research and management of the compensation system .

  14. 通过介绍医院薪酬的概念、构成、内涵及主要功能等,重点论述了薪酬管理中应注意的若干问题,即薪酬的外部竞争性或外部公平性;

    By giving an account of the concept , composition , connotation and chief functions of salaries in the hospital , the paper underlines a number of issues that ought to be stressed in the management of salaries , viz .

  15. 目前鞍山装饰行业的薪酬设计普遍存在薪酬构成要素单一,激励手段过于简单的现象,员工薪酬满意度不高。

    At present the pay structure of Anshan decoration elements of a single common salary , incentives are too simple phenomenon , employee pay satisfaction is not high .

  16. 首先,本文对薪酬,薪酬成本的构成及分类进行了阐述,对建筑企业的范畴作了描述。其次,阐述了影响薪酬的主要因素。

    Firstly , this paper makes a description of the constitution , classification of the compensation cost and the definition of the building enterprise . Secondly , the main factors of compensation are discussed .

  17. 薪酬由外在薪酬和内在薪酬构成,外在薪酬由直接薪酬和间接薪酬构成。

    Salary consists of outer salary and inner one . Outer salary is composed of direct salary and indirect one .

  18. 其次,进行了薪酬管理相关的理论概述,比如薪酬的定义及构成,激励理论,宽带薪资的概念、内容及作用等。

    Secondly I will show you some summaries about the relative theories about the management of salary like the definition , constituent and function of the salary , the theory of encouragement , the concept , text and function of the WB salary .

  19. 本文第一部分为薪酬的基本理论综述,主要介绍了薪酬的概念、构成、对企业的重要作用,对薪酬相关理论进行了总评,并介绍了国内外薪酬体系的发展和最新研究。

    The first part discusses the basic theories of compensation system including the concept , composition and significance , as well as the latest development and research on it domestic and oversea .

  20. 只在极少数情况下,薪酬与业绩的关系得到了解释,而这些复杂的薪酬构成意味着,其中至少有些安排会带来收益从而推高总体薪酬。

    In only a minority of cases is it explained how remuneration relates to performance , and these complex structures make it likely that at least some elements will pay out thus pushing up overall awards .

  21. 接下来对薪酬管理理论进行了全面的介绍,对薪酬的概念及构成、功能和目的,管理的权变要素、原则、理论、国内外现状及发展趋势进行了详细的论述。

    Then it describes the compensation management theory , in which part it gives thorough information of compensation concept , constitute , function and objective , and management key points , theory , present situation in China and abroad and its development trends .

  22. 针对知识密集型的组织特点,围绕应用型人才的培养目标,实现以科研促教学,以管理促发展,进行了薪酬体系核心要素的设计。(4)改进后的薪酬体系的构成设计。

    The design of the central elements is aimed at he knowledge-intensive organizational characters , application-oriented training goal , the improvement of teaching through scientific research and the development through management . ( 4 ) The improved salary system .

  23. 我国目前企业薪酬体系存在战略性薪酬意识不强、薪酬体系与企业战略不匹配、薪酬构成复杂、结构较散等缺陷。

    At present , there are some shortcomings in our enterprise compensation system such as : wake consciousness of compensation strategy , the unmatched compensation system with the enterprise strategy , the complicated compensation constitution , and the dispersed structure .

  24. 通过对团队薪酬激励效度的评价分析,指出团队规模、激励强度、绩效测评的准确程度与复杂程度以及团队薪酬的构成是影响团队薪酬激励效度的重要因素。

    Through analyzing incentive effect on team compensation , some important factors were pointed out in this paper such as team size 、 incentive intensity 、 accuracy complexity of performance measures and constitution of team compensation , which influence on incentive effect of team compensation .

  25. 通过文献阅读,了解薪酬管理的演变以及知识型员工激励的特点,阐述全面薪酬管理的现实性和必要性;在此基础上,进一步了解国内外学者对知识型员工全面薪酬构成要素情况。

    Through reading the documents , knew the changing of compensation management and the traits of inspiring knowledge employees and expatiated the practicality and necessity .