
bò he táng
  • mint;peppermint;Peppermint Candy;peppermint drops;peppermint sweets;humbug
  1. 她嘴里咂着一颗薄荷糖。

    She sucked on a mint .

  2. 她嘴里咂着一颗薄荷糖。

    She sucked a mint .

  3. 我们这顿午餐吃了五道菜,最后是咖啡和薄荷糖。

    We had a five-course lunch and finished up with coffee and mints .

  4. 吃一块这种薄荷糖!

    Have one of these mints !

  5. 我总是随身带着薄荷糖,就好像它是一枚金币一样。

    I carried the peppermint with me as if it was a gold coin .

  6. “是的。现在你可以带着薄荷糖回去上课了。”

    " Yes . Now you can take that peppermint and go back to class . "

  7. 他买了一些薄荷糖给我,并且当我取得进展时,他都愿意花时间注意到我。

    He bought some peppermints and took the time to notice me when I got something-anything-right .

  8. 我想让你知道我为你感到多么自豪,我刚刚叫你到我的办公室,是为了给你一颗薄荷糖。

    I want you to know how proud I am of you , and I just called you down to my office to give you a peppermint .

  9. 由粗糙表面的薄荷糖们没有表面活性剂的话不会有那么大的喷泉。

    Rough-surfaced mints without surfactant did not create such large fountains .

  10. 他坐下来,突然往嘴里放了一颗薄荷糖,当即被噎死。

    He sat down , popped in a peppermint and promptly choked to death .

  11. 梅琳达特别提到了华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversity)一位科学家的研究工作,这位科学家试图研发一种能像薄荷糖一样在舌头下融化的口服避孕药。

    Gates spoke about a Washington University scientist who is looking to develop an oral contraceptive that would dissolve under a woman 's tongue like a breath mint .

  12. 最近加州一位YouTube明星又引发了一场轰动,他尝试了经典的可乐+薄荷糖反应。

    A Californian YouTube star has made a splash with a new take on the classic coke and Mentos stunt .

  13. 本月底,星巴克(Starbucks)收银台上那些赏心悦目的纸板货架将不再出售CD,它们曾经和薄荷糖、意大利脆饼一起,随时准备迎合顾客的消费冲动。

    At the end of this month , Starbucks plans to stop selling CDs from those comforting cardboard counter-display cases , where they were as convenient an impulse buy as mints and biscotti .

  14. 这首歌由百比赫亚太广告公司(BBHAsia-Pacific)策划,并通过社交媒体传播开来,其目的是宣传曼妥思为今年国庆日推出的一款主题薄荷糖我爱新加坡(IHeartSG)。

    The song , devised by ad agency BBH Asia-Pacific and spread via social media , is part of Mentos 's plan to launch a special ' I Heart SG ' pack of their signature mints for this year 's National Day .

  15. 薄荷糖不仅可以清新口气,还能活跃思维!

    In addition to freshening breath , mints keep thoughts fresh !

  16. 漱口、吃薄荷糖、甚至饭后刷牙。

    Mouthwash , breath mints and even brushing their teeth after meals .

  17. 那时,大多数薄荷糖都是方形或形似枕头

    Most mint candies at the time were square and pillow-shaped

  18. 他们每个人拿了一块薄荷糖,并吃了它。

    They each took a peppermint , and ate it .

  19. 没有啊,我的薄荷糖呢。

    I am not , and where 's my mint .

  20. 放片薄荷糖去蒜味

    Smell that garlic . We should throw in a chest mint .

  21. 薄荷糖有薄荷味的糖果

    A candy flavored with mint . HOW THE LIFE SAVER GOT ITS HOLE

  22. 我开玩笑呢是薄荷糖。

    I 'm just kidding . it 's mints .

  23. 没听说过清凉薄荷糖吗,傻子?

    Ever hear of a breath mint , jackass ?

  24. 你为什么吃那块难吃的薄荷糖。

    Why do you eat that awful peppermint candy ?

  25. 她老是蜷着腿躺着,吮着薄荷糖。

    She just curls up and sucks peppermints .

  26. 薄荷糖含片,清热润喉。

    The menthol pills are antipyretic and throat-soothing .

  27. 比如她喜欢花生还是薄荷糖。

    Whether she likes goobers or junior mints .

  28. 小男孩约翰尼也上楼来过,送来一盒薄荷糖。

    The little boy , Johnnie , had been up with a packet of mints .

  29. 我不指望你身上有薄荷糖你有吗?

    I don 't suppose you have a breath mint on you , do you ?

  30. 在要吃完饭的时候,布莱特肖先生打开了一盒薄荷糖。

    At the end of the meal , Mr. Bradshaw opened a box of peppermint candies .