
  • 网络joe tsai;Joseph Tsai
  1. 阿里巴巴执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)表示,马云说,进攻是最好的防御。

    ' Jack said that the best defense is offense , ' said Joe Tsai , Alibaba 's executive vice chairman .

  2. 执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)表示,《纽约邮报》(NewYorkPost)有关某个高层举报人正在协助SEC的报道“没有事实依据”。

    Joe Tsai , executive vice-chairman , said there was " no factual basis " to a story in the New York Post newspaper alleging that a high-level whistleblower was aiding the US regulator .

  3. 她是从一位朋友那里听说阿里巴巴的,那位朋友叫蔡崇信(JosephTsai),毕业于耶鲁,当过律师,不久前加入了阿里巴巴。

    She had heard about the company from a friend , Joseph Tsai , a Yale-educated former lawyer who had recently joined Alibaba .

  4. 阿里巴巴否认误导投资者,执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)在1月份表示,工商总局的报告是一次不实及不公平的攻击。

    Alibaba has denied misleading investors and Joe Tsai , executive vice-chairman , said in January the SAIC report was an inaccurate and unfair attack .

  5. 回到杭州,马云和蔡崇信(JoeTsai),即阿里巴巴现在的董事局执行副主席,在他不起眼的公寓里创办了阿里巴巴。

    Returning to Hangzhou , he and Joe Tsai , now Alibaba 's executive vice chairman , founded the company in Mr. Ma 's modest apartment .

  6. 阿里巴巴集团执行副主席蔡崇信(JosephTsai)前一阵子接受了该集团斥资2.66亿美元收购的《南华早报》的采访,其间他在不经意间提供了对马云所提问题的答案。

    The answer to Mr Ma 's question is an interview given by Joseph Tsai , Alibaba 's executive vice-chairman , to the paper Alibaba bought this week for $ 266m .

  7. 在去年收购《南华早报》时,阿里巴巴被指试图干涉编审独立,原因是其执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)表示,该报可能成为他所称的西方媒体对中国负面和偏见报道的替代品。

    In last year 's purchase of South China Morning Post , Alibaba was accused of seeking to interfere editorially after Joe Tsai , its executive vice-chairman , said the newspaper could be an alternative to western coverage of China , which he described as negative and biased .

  8. 谈到对中国经济的担忧,阿里巴巴执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)在周二的电话会议上表示,阿里巴巴不认为中国经济的短暂变化会对消费者的网购消费造成长期影响。

    Speaking to concerns about the Chinese economy , Joe Tsai , the company 's executive vice chairman , said in a conference call on Tuesday that the company did not believe that a blip in Chinese growth would have a long-term impact on the consumer spending on Alibaba 's sites .

  9. 上周,阿里巴巴执行副主席蔡崇信(JoeTsai)在宣布GMV取得里程碑增长时称,该公司的重点已放在追求高质量增长和可持续增长方面,这意味着其不再单纯从GMV增长的角度来衡量成功与否。

    When he announced the GMV milestone last week , Joe Tsai , Alibaba 's executive vice-chairman , said : " Our focus on quality and sustainable growth means how we measure success is no longer dependent on a simplistic view of GMV growth . "

  10. 蔡崇信说:中国经济传统以出口为基础。

    The Chinese economy was traditionally based on exports , Mr Tsai said .

  11. 他和副手蔡崇信占有了该公司四个董事会席位中的两个。

    He and his top deputy , Mr. Tsai , held two of the company 's four board seats .

  12. 马云推出阿里巴巴几个月后,他聘用了台湾出生、耶鲁毕业的律师蔡崇信。

    Several months after he launched Alibaba , Mr. Ma hired Mr. Tsai , a Taiwanese-born , Yale-educated lawyer .

  13. 蔡崇信表示,就消费者将会接受的广告数量而言,阿里巴巴受到的限制少于竞争对手。

    Mr Tsai said Alibaba had fewer limits than its competitors on the amount of advertising its consumers would accept .

  14. 阿里巴巴首席财务官蔡崇信表示,大部分借款会用来以更低的利率对原来的贷款进行再融资。

    Most of the money will go to refinance older loans at better rates , says Joseph Tsai , the group 's chief financial officer .

  15. 蔡崇信承诺,阿里巴巴将不会指示记者报道什么,但他暗示,如果他们希望保留工作,就得明白如何表现。

    Mr Tsai promised that Alibaba will not tell journalists what to report but he dropped hints about how to behave if they wish to stay employed .

  16. 蔡崇信先生说,2012年的累计贷款金额达到6亿美元,到今年年底,累计贷款金额将达到20亿美元;

    Mr Tsai says its loan book was $ 600m in 2012 , and that by the end of this year it should top $ 2 billion ;

  17. 阿里巴巴副董事长蔡崇信在杭州阿里巴巴的大本营对本报记者说:我们现在看到的只是冰山一角。

    Its Vice Chairman Cai Chongxin told the reporter in Hangzhou – where Alibaba 's headquarters is based in , We only saw the tip of the iceberg .

  18. 阿里巴巴并没有要求工商总局延迟公布任何报告,蔡崇信表示。他形容去年7月与工商总局的会议是例行的。

    Alibaba has never requested the SAIC to delay the publication of any report , said Mr Tsai , who described the July meeting with the SAIC as routine .

  19. 在面向投资者和分析师的一个电话会议上,蔡崇信否认国家工商总局提到的7月会议谈到了白皮书覆盖的主题。

    On a call to investors and analysts , Mr Tsai denied that the July meeting referred to by the SAIC touched on the subjects covered in the white paper .

  20. 蔡崇信发表评论前,多家中国品牌,包括体育品牌李宁和上海浦东发展银行都宣布撤销对火箭队的赞助合约。

    Tsai 's comments came after multiple Chinese brands , including sports brand Li-Ning and Shanghai Pudong Development Bank , announced that they were pulling sponsorship deals with the Rockets .

  21. 我还听闻,电子商务巨头阿里巴巴创始人马云和联合创始人蔡崇信也将把阿里巴巴2%的资产捐赠给慈善基金。

    I have also heard that Jack Ma of Alibaba , the e-commerce giant , along with co-founder Joe Tsai , have said that they will commit 2 percent of Alibaba 's equity to a charitable trust .

  22. 蔡崇信抱怨称:“对阿里不好的地方的关注太多了……我不是说《南华早报》应该增加对阿里的报导,但它应该更好奇。”

    Mr Tsai complained : " There is too much of a focus on what is wrong with Alibaba ... I 'm not saying SCMP should step up coverage of Alibaba , but it should be more curious . "

  23. 阿里巴巴证实,中国政府在这宗收购中并未扮演任何角色,同时,阿里巴巴集团执行副总裁蔡崇信说,我们将持续“根据原则”运营。我们会让“编辑按照自己的判断来决定哪些该发布,哪些不该”。

    Alibaba confirmed that the Chinese government had no role in the deal , and Joseph Tsai , Alibaba 's executive vice chairman , said the newspaper will continue to run " on principles , " and " editors make their judgment on what to publish and not to publish . "

  24. 阿里巴巴副董事长蔡崇信在杭州——阿里巴巴的大本营——对本报记者说:“我们现在看到的只是冰山一角。利用这些数据可以让运营更高效,让我们的顾客更满意,但我们现在的利用率还不到5%。”

    Its Vice Chairman Cai Chongxin told the reporter in Hangzhou - where Alibaba 's headquarters is based in , " We only saw the tip of the iceberg . These data can make the operation more efficient , our customers more satisfied , but the utilization of these data is less than five percent . "