
  • 网络blue chip;blue-chip
  1. 一年以前,蓝筹一致预测2001年GDP增长为2.6%。

    A year ago , the Blue Chip consensus saw 2.6 percent GDP growth fore 2001 .

  2. NEC开发的这种新型心理健康检查工具现已在好几家没有公开名称的日本蓝筹公司投入使用。这种基于电脑运行的工具不仅可以显示任何潜在的心理问题,还能够监视员工的心理稳定程度。

    Now in use by several undisclosed blue chip companies in Japan , NEC 's new health tool is PC-based and can monitor the mental stability of a workforce while flagging any potential psychological problems .

  3. 截至今年6月底,伯克希尔拥有约1000亿美元资产,其中不到一半投资于股票,大多数是大型蓝筹公司的股票,例如可口可乐(Coca-Cola)、美国运通(AmericanExpress)和卡夫食品(KraftFoods)。

    Berkshire had about $ 100bn of assets at the end of June , of which under half were invested in equities , mostly large blue-chip companies such as Coca-Cola , American Express and Kraft Foods .

  4. 尽管失业率居高不下,但招聘市场对顶尖mba学员的需求仍非常旺盛,蓝筹公司从未像现在这样努力争取一流商学院的学员。

    Despite high levels of unemployment , demand for top - flight MBA students is at a premium and students at leading business schools are being courted by blue-chip companies as never before .

  5. 本轮财报季仅本周五一天就会有400多家公司发布业绩预计将体现出高科技产业复苏的广度。此前,苹果(Apple)和微软(Microsoft)等美国高科技产业的蓝筹公司发布了强劲业绩。

    The earnings season , with more than 400 companies reporting on Friday alone , is expected to show the breadth of the recovery in the technology sector after strong results from US technology blue chips such as Apple and Microsoft .

  6. 在过去的3个月里,集团企业通用电气、科技巨头ibm和物流集团联合包裹(ups)等蓝筹公司搭上了全球经济增长快于美国的东风。

    Over the past three months , blue-chips such as general electric , the conglomerate , IBM , the technology giant , and UPS , the logistics group , have hitched a ride on a global economy growing faster than the US .

  7. 另一只伦敦蓝筹基金glg去年遭受了沉重打击,管理下的对冲基金资产贬值逾半,而今年同样表现良好。

    GLG , another blue-chip London fund that was hit hard last year when its hedge fund assets under management more than halved , is also doing well .

  8. 不过,将一家华尔街蓝筹公司的大量股份出售给一家中国国有实体,可能在华盛顿引发政治反弹,尤其是在还有另一种选择与同为美国企业的Wachovia合并的情况下。

    However , the sale of a large stake in a blue-chip Wall Street firm to a Chinese state-owned entity could cause a political backlash in Washington , especially if the alternative of an all-American merger with Wachovia is on the table .

  9. 投资者称,吸引他们的房企包括低负债的蓝筹公司。

    Attractive plays include low-debt blue chips , say investors .

  10. 特别是一些大蓝筹公司的业绩,特别是影响。

    In particular , some large blue-chip company 's performance especially affected .

  11. 印第安纳琼斯系列影片和《星球大战》一样成为了蓝筹特许经营品牌。

    The Indiana Jones series became a blue-chip franchise like Star Wars .

  12. 平安保险及其它蓝筹金融类股在此期间的表现可能会强于大盘。

    It and other blue-chip financial shares could possibly outperform during this period .

  13. 许多学生毕业后想在蓝筹公司工作。

    Many students want to work in a blue-chip company after their graduation .

  14. 与微软一样,另外几家中国内地蓝筹公司也面临与垄断相关的法律诉讼。

    Several other blue-chip mainland companies face monopoly-related legal action , as does Microsoft .

  15. 该提议还缺乏蓝筹债券机制的那种永久性激励特征。

    It would also lack the permanent incentive property of the blue bond scheme .

  16. 有谁知道买华夏蓝筹基金怎么样?

    Who knows to buy an ancient name for China La Chouji gold how ?

  17. 颜色文化&蓝色(英文)和平崛起中的蓝筹战略

    Blue chips strategy with peaceful rise

  18. 国企,蓝筹,外资和家族企业的混合意外的稳定。

    The mix of state , blue-chip , foreign and family owners has been remarkably stable .

  19. 相反,这种不幸落在了多数曾经被视为蓝筹科技股的公司身上。

    Instead it was a blight that affected most of what were once considered blue-chip technology holdings .

  20. 蓝筹债券市场的建议可能无法解决所有问题,但它提出了一些尖锐的问题。

    The blue bond proposal may not address all of them but it asks some smart questions .

  21. 蓝筹是西方对赌博中使用的最高筹码的称呼。

    The blue chip is the term of the gambling chip of the highest value in Western casinos .

  22. 昨日,主流资金大力进攻电力和煤炭等蓝筹板块,推动大盘继续强势上攻。

    Yesterday , the mainstream funds vigorously offensive power and coal and other blue-chip board , continue to promote the overall str.

  23. 现在,投资人集团是十大蓝筹公司(见图表)的最大股东或最大股东之一。

    Today Investor has the biggest , or one of the biggest , shareholdings in ten blue-chip companies ( see chart ) .

  24. 我们的母公司,雪花创意,提供完整的设计和营销解决方案,并与一些大型蓝筹公司的工作。

    Our parent company , Snowflake Creative , offer complete design and marketing solutions and work with some major blue chip companies .

  25. 可以肯定的是,最富有的艺术品买家们把投资集中在风险较低的少数几个蓝筹艺术家身上。

    What is certain is that the wealthiest art buyers are concentrating their investment on a narrow range of low-risk blue chip names .

  26. 美国企业界出席本次论坛的人数远少于往年,忧心忡忡的美国蓝筹公司正关注着国内经济的复苏情况。

    Corporate America is far less present in Davos than it used to be as worried us blue-chips focus on the domestic economic recovery .

  27. 今天的一份报告显示,蓝筹公司正在使用心理测试来选拔大学生,因为他们不再相信大学文凭了。

    Blue chip companies are using psychometric personality tests to select graduate employees because they no longer trust university degrees , a report says today .

  28. 然而,去年夏天以来美元汇率的持续上升以及全球经济活动的疲软,给多家美国蓝筹集团带来了沉重压力。

    However , a sustained rise in the dollar since last summer and weakening global activity has weighed heavily on a host of blue-chip US groups .

  29. 本届共有万科、恒大、保利、合生创展等19家地产企业荣获“2011中国蓝筹地产”殊荣。

    This year there were Vanke , Gzhengda , Poly , and Hopson , 19 real estate enterprises have won the2011 China blue chip real estate award .

  30. 我顺带提到了这件事,他们都不敢相信,我竟然如此愚蠢地拒绝了这家蓝筹公司的面试!

    When I mentioned this story in passing , they couldn 't believe I was foolish enough to turn down interviewing with this amazing blue chip company !