
zhēng fā
  • evaporation;evaporate;vapor;reduce;steam
蒸发 [zhēng fā]
  • [evaporate] 液体蒸腾挥发为水汽的现象

蒸发[zhēng fā]
  1. 我们的身体能出汗,由此可以蒸发散热。

    Our bodies can sweat , thereby losing heat by evaporation

  2. 用溶剂蒸发法和旋涂法将聚合物涂在SAW基片表面。

    The polymer was coated on the piezocrystal by two methods of solvent evaporation and spin coating .

  3. 太阳使地球上的湿气不断蒸发。

    The sun is constantly evaporating the earth 's moisture .

  4. 加热直至水全部蒸发。

    Heat until all the water has evaporated .

  5. 苯蒸发了,形成了一大团气体。

    The benzene vaporized and formed a huge cloud of gas

  6. 湿气被吸到织物表面从而蒸发。

    Moisture is drawn to the surface of the fabric so that it evaporates

  7. 向它喷射冷空气可以使水蒸发。

    Blasting cold air over it makes the water evaporate

  8. 水在阳光照射下蒸发了。

    The water is evaporated by the sun .

  9. 我们需要他的帮助,否则我们就完蛋了,死定了,彻底从人间蒸发了。

    We need his help or we 're done for , dead and gone , lost .

  10. 随着水分的蒸发,地面上留下了一层结晶盐。

    As the water evaporates , a crust of salt is left on the surface of the soil .

  11. 他刚才还在这儿,突然就蒸发了。

    He was here just now , but has suddenly vanished .

  12. 通过煮沸蒸发掉一些液体使混合液变浓。

    Condense the mixture by boiling off some of the liquid .

  13. 沸水蒸发很快。

    Boiling water evaporates rapidly .

  14. 在开曼群岛宜人的气候下,原本应该流下来的钱反而蒸发了。

    Money that was meant to have trickled down has instead evaporated in the agreeable climate of the Cayman Islands .

  15. 这些植物还会改变形状,萎缩以使表面积最小化,剩余的水正是通过植物表面蒸发掉的。

    The plants also change shape , shrinking to minimize the surface area through which their remaining water might evaporate .

  16. 地下水在覆盖膜上蒸发并收集起来,直至水滴形成、沿着材料流下并滴进杯子里。

    Ground water evaporatesand collects on the sheet until small drops of water form , run down the material and fall off into the cup .

  17. 沙漠说:"让你自己蒸发到微风中,微风就会带你穿过。"。

    Let yourself evaporate into the breeze , and it can take you across , said the desert .

  18. 沙漠说:"让你自己蒸发到微风中,微风就会带你穿过。"。

    " Let yourself evaporate into the breeze , and it can take you across , " said the desert .

  19. 那没眼睛的鸭子嗓也不会给蒸发

    The eyeless creature with the quacking voice would never be vaporized .

  20. 航空摄影可提供有关降水量、蒸发蒸腾量、入渗和径流量的有价值的资料。

    Aerial photography can provide valuable information on precipitation , evapotraspiration , interception , and runoff .

  21. 它们由海洋、河流与湖泊表面的水在太阳热量的作用下蒸发而成。

    It was evaporated by the heat of the sun from the surface of the oceans and seas , and rivers and lakes .

  22. 如果你用炖锅来煮沸咸水,等到所有的水分都以蒸汽的方式蒸发之后,咸水中溶解的盐分就会变成锅底上一层白色的粉末。

    If you boil salt water in a small saucepan until the water has all passed away as steam , the salt that was dissolved in it will all be left behind as a white crust on the bottom of the saucepan .

  23. 热蒸发法制备厘米级ZnO晶须及特性研究

    Properties of Centimeter-long ZnO Whiskers Prepared by Thermal Evaporation of ZnO Powders

  24. 重连和蒸发的现象和过程可简述如下。Hα活动暗条上升并逐渐消失。

    The processes could be described as follows : An active H α filament ascended and disappeared gradually .

  25. 利用真空蒸发法制备ZnO薄膜,衬底材料是镜面抛光石英片。

    The ZnO films were synthesized by vacuum evaporation on mirror-polished quartz substrates .

  26. 电子束蒸发制备ZnO薄膜及其晶体结构和电学性质

    Structures and Electric Properties of ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Electron Beam Evaporation

  27. 真空蒸发制备(Cd,Zn)S薄膜及性能研究

    Property Study of ( Cd , Zn ) S Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Evaporation

  28. 采用热蒸发法制备了纯Mg膜及Mg(78)Ni(22)合金膜,研究了薄膜的结构及其氢化性能。

    Microstructure and hydrogenation properties of Mg and Mg-Ni films fabricated by thermal evaporation method were investigated .

  29. 利用Matlab所提供的人工神经网络模拟五效蒸发系统的非线性过程。

    The non-linear process of five-effect evaporation system was simulated by using artificial neural network provided by Matlab .

  30. 在GaAs上用电子束蒸发淀积LaB6薄膜及其界面的电学特性

    Lab_6 film deposited on GaAs by electron beam evaporation and its interface electronic characteristics