- kudzu vine;complication

[complication] 比喻纠缠不清的关系
Study on Planting Pleurotus Ostreatus with Kudzu Vine and Leaf
Study on grade judgments of natural enemies on kudzu for control potential
Primary study on acid tolerance mechanism of a wild aciduric Rhizobium strain isolated from Pueraria lobata
The other strains were slow-growing strains , their single colony size was less than 1 mm after 7 days incubated on YMA medium at 28 . They can produce alkali .
When Brendan Francis Newnam goes to dinner with friends in New York , he grows wary when the talk locks on television , a subject that can become ' a kudzu vine that strangles out other conversations . '
The Low Cost Processing Method in Comprehensive Utilization about Pueraria Lobata
Study on the Digestibility of Dried Distilled Grain in Growing Pigs
Shrubs and vines were putting on fresh garbs of green .
Survey of insect species feeding on kudzu Pueraria lobata Ohwi
Application Prospect of the Pueraria lobata in Afforesting in the Area of Liangshan
Composition of arthropods and population dynamics of main insect groups on Pueraria lobata
Utilization Value and Exploitation Foreground of Pueraria Lobata
The comparative anatomical studies on the drought resistant structures of kudzu leaves of different varieties
Value and Development of Pueraria lobata
Based on the introduction test and production popularization , the dependable plantation techniques of Pueraria wallichii DC .
Content Characteristics of Chemical Elements in Pueraria lobata and Its Calcareous Soil on the Rocky Desertification Area in Guizhou Province
That day certainly deserved to be commemorated as the end of old entanglements and the beginning of new opportunities .
Objective : Using modern research methods and techniques to study the quality of dispersible tablets containing isoflavones from pueraria lobata .
Analyses of morphological index , chemical composition of fiber of Pueraria lobata vine and their correlations with location and growing time
Study on Extraction and Purification Process of Total Isoflavonoids from Stem of Pueraria Lobata ( Willd . ) Ohw and Its Antioxidant Activity
Yan Xiang : These four poetic lines tell us a curved tree entwined richly with vines is like a joyous gentleman in peaceful happiness .
The factors influencing on the extraction and separation process were investigated and the mathematical models for the conventional extraction and the ultrasonically enhance extraction were built .
An image of Jesus Christ on the cross has been " seen " in a telephone pole covered in vines next to a motorway in Louisiana .
Morphological characteristics and seasonal cycles of purple stem beetle were observed , dynamic of larvae and classifying standard of the beetle feeding on kudzu was also studied .
Influence on the Sexual Reproduction of Pueraria lobata ( Willd . ) Ohwi in Different Habitats and with Different Scramble Manner in Tiantong National Forest Park , Zhejiang
This paper , being the revision for first time on Pueraria from local range of Guizhou , mainly reported some unclear or confused species distributed in Guizhou .
Results : The method for the determination of dispersible tablets containing isoflavones from pueraria lobata was highly accuracy , simple , easy to operate , stable and feasible .
Enormous trees , sometimes as high as 200 feet , were linked to each other by garlands of tropical creepers , genuine natural hammocks that swayed in a mild breeze .
After six months of continuous administration , observing the indicators examined in each group of rats , suggesting that dispersible tablets containing isoflavones from pueraria lobata can significantly improved the general situation of the model rat .
But here it was no longer some isolated bush or a modest grove of low timber . It was an immense forest , huge mineral vegetation , enormous petrified trees linked by garlands of elegant hydras from the genus Plumularia , those tropical creepers of the sea , all decked out in shades and gleams .