
gé téng
  • kudzu vine;complication
葛藤 [gé téng]
  • [complication] 比喻纠缠不清的关系

葛藤[gé téng]
  1. 葛藤茎叶栽培平菇研究

    Study on Planting Pleurotus Ostreatus with Kudzu Vine and Leaf

  2. 葛藤主要天敌等级评价的初步研究

    Study on grade judgments of natural enemies on kudzu for control potential

  3. 一株耐酸野生葛藤(Puerarialobata)根瘤菌的筛选与耐酸机理初步研究

    Primary study on acid tolerance mechanism of a wild aciduric Rhizobium strain isolated from Pueraria lobata

  4. 其余待测葛藤根瘤菌生长较慢,YMA培养基上28℃培养7天后,单个菌落直径小于1mm,具有产碱能力,是慢生型葛藤根瘤菌。

    The other strains were slow-growing strains , their single colony size was less than 1 mm after 7 days incubated on YMA medium at 28 . They can produce alkali .

  5. 布兰登•弗朗西斯•纽纳姆(BrendanFrancisNewnam)发觉,与朋友在纽约一同吃晚饭时,当谈话锁定在电视剧时,这一话题可能会成为“一条扼杀其他谈话的葛藤”。

    When Brendan Francis Newnam goes to dinner with friends in New York , he grows wary when the talk locks on television , a subject that can become ' a kudzu vine that strangles out other conversations . '

  6. 葛藤在综合利用中的低成本加工方法

    The Low Cost Processing Method in Comprehensive Utilization about Pueraria Lobata

  7. 猪对玉米干酒糟消化与利用的研究葛藤的栽培与利用

    Study on the Digestibility of Dried Distilled Grain in Growing Pigs

  8. 灌木和葛藤披上了绿色的新装。

    Shrubs and vines were putting on fresh garbs of green .

  9. 取食葛藤的昆虫种类调查初报

    Survey of insect species feeding on kudzu Pueraria lobata Ohwi

  10. 葛藤在凉山地区绿化中的应用前景

    Application Prospect of the Pueraria lobata in Afforesting in the Area of Liangshan

  11. 葛藤节肢动物类群组分及主要种类数量动态

    Composition of arthropods and population dynamics of main insect groups on Pueraria lobata

  12. 葛藤的利用价值及开发前景

    Utilization Value and Exploitation Foreground of Pueraria Lobata

  13. 葛藤不同类型叶耐旱结构的比较解剖学研究

    The comparative anatomical studies on the drought resistant structures of kudzu leaves of different varieties

  14. 葛藤的价值及其开发前景

    Value and Development of Pueraria lobata

  15. 经引种栽培试验以及生产推广应用已总结出成熟的瓦氏葛藤造林技术。

    Based on the introduction test and production popularization , the dependable plantation techniques of Pueraria wallichii DC .

  16. 石漠化石灰土与水土保持植物葛藤化学元素含量特征

    Content Characteristics of Chemical Elements in Pueraria lobata and Its Calcareous Soil on the Rocky Desertification Area in Guizhou Province

  17. 今天太值得记念了,绝了旧葛藤,添了新机会。

    That day certainly deserved to be commemorated as the end of old entanglements and the beginning of new opportunities .

  18. 目的:采用现代研究方法和技术对葛藤异黄酮分散片的质量进行研究,建立主要成分的定性定量检测方法。

    Objective : Using modern research methods and techniques to study the quality of dispersible tablets containing isoflavones from pueraria lobata .

  19. 葛藤纤维的形态和化学组成及其与产地和生长时间的相关性

    Analyses of morphological index , chemical composition of fiber of Pueraria lobata vine and their correlations with location and growing time

  20. 葛藤总黄酮的提取纯化及其抗氧化活性的研究

    Study on Extraction and Purification Process of Total Isoflavonoids from Stem of Pueraria Lobata ( Willd . ) Ohw and Its Antioxidant Activity

  21. 颜襄:这四句诗的意思是,南山上有棵弯弯的树,葛藤缠绕着它,有一位快乐的君子,他幸福又安定。

    Yan Xiang : These four poetic lines tell us a curved tree entwined richly with vines is like a joyous gentleman in peaceful happiness .

  22. 论文研究了葛藤异黄酮的浸取分离过程的影响因素,建立了常规浸取和超声强化浸取的数学模型。

    The factors influencing on the extraction and separation process were investigated and the mathematical models for the conventional extraction and the ultrasonically enhance extraction were built .

  23. 美国北卡罗来纳州金斯顿一根爬满葛藤的电线杆因酷似耶稣被钉十字架的形象而爆红。

    An image of Jesus Christ on the cross has been " seen " in a telephone pole covered in vines next to a motorway in Louisiana .

  24. 对葛藤天敌紫茎甲的形态特征进行了观察,对紫茎甲的生活史、幼虫对葛藤的取食变化动态进行了研究,提出了紫茎甲对葛藤取食的分级标准,并且用于紫茎甲取食作用的评价。

    Morphological characteristics and seasonal cycles of purple stem beetle were observed , dynamic of larvae and classifying standard of the beetle feeding on kudzu was also studied .

  25. 浙江天童不同生境和攀援方式对葛藤有性生殖特征的影响初探

    Influence on the Sexual Reproduction of Pueraria lobata ( Willd . ) Ohwi in Different Habitats and with Different Scramble Manner in Tiantong National Forest Park , Zhejiang

  26. 本文首次修订葛藤属黔产种,主要报道该属分布于贵州一些被误订和混乱的种。

    This paper , being the revision for first time on Pueraria from local range of Guizhou , mainly reported some unclear or confused species distributed in Guizhou .

  27. 结果:建立的葛藤异黄酮分散片的含量测定方法准确度高、简便、易操作、稳定可行。

    Results : The method for the determination of dispersible tablets containing isoflavones from pueraria lobata was highly accuracy , simple , easy to operate , stable and feasible .

  28. 许多高大的树——其中有些树干高达二百英尺——由葛藤把它们彼此连接起来,看来真像和风摇摆着的天然吊床呢。

    Enormous trees , sometimes as high as 200 feet , were linked to each other by garlands of tropical creepers , genuine natural hammocks that swayed in a mild breeze .

  29. 在分散片的抗骨质疏松作用实验研究中,连续给药六个月后,分别观察各组大鼠所考察的指标,提示葛藤异黄酮分散片明显改善造模大鼠一般状况。

    After six months of continuous administration , observing the indicators examined in each group of rats , suggesting that dispersible tablets containing isoflavones from pueraria lobata can significantly improved the general situation of the model rat .

  30. 但在这里的,不是孤立隔开的珊瑚丛,不是低树林的丛木,而是,广大的森林,巨大的矿物草木,粗大的石树,由那些海葛藤,漂亮好看的羽毛草花圈坏结合起来,受到各样色彩和反光的点缀,非常好看。

    But here it was no longer some isolated bush or a modest grove of low timber . It was an immense forest , huge mineral vegetation , enormous petrified trees linked by garlands of elegant hydras from the genus Plumularia , those tropical creepers of the sea , all decked out in shades and gleams .