
pú tí
  • Bodhi
菩提 [pú tí]
  • [梵Bodhi] 佛教音译名,指觉悟的境界

菩提[pú tí]
  1. 为网络杂志《菩提树下的议院》(BodhiCommons)撰稿的阿伦•阿修罗•纳罗丁(ArunArushiNarodin)报道称,印度90%的城镇女性都有被性骚扰的经历。

    Arun Arushi Narodin , who writes for the online magazine Bodhi Commons , reports that 90 % of urban women in India experience harassment .

  2. 菩提是一只4岁的柴犬,绰号为男装犬模,在社交网站instagram上可以看到它穿西装、扎领带、戴墨镜的照片,它的粉丝超过了14.6万。

    The canine , a four-year-old Shiba Inu - dubbed Menswear Dog - has gained over 146,000 followers on his Instagram , where he is seen wearing suits , ties and glasses .

  3. 黄昏时刻,我们在菩提树下召集。

    Where now we gather in linden 's shadow at eventide .

  4. 原则上,以菩提心只要一张符就够了。

    In principle , with Bodhicitta just one sheet is enough .

  5. 经论字数相当于十九部《菩提道次广论》。

    The words of the equivalent of19 AnLun times of enlightenment .

  6. 有关涅盘的知识是通过菩提这个词来表达的。

    The knowledge accompanying nirvana is expressed through the word bodhi .

  7. 这棵菩提树看起来也没有什么特别的啊?

    I can 't see anything unusual about this banyan tree .

  8. 我们的起点就是我们所说的愿菩提心。

    And our starting point is what we call aspiration bodhicitta .

  9. 你怎么可能知道菩提死了?

    How the hell did you even know booty was dead ?

  10. 须菩提!于意云何?是人解我所说义不?

    Subhuti , does that person understand what I mean ?

  11. 我于阿耨多罗三藐三菩提乃至无有少法可得。

    I have not gained even the least Dharma from Supreme enlightenment .

  12. 大牛,你看这棵菩提树啊就是人们所说的神树。

    Daniel , this banyan is the very divine tree .

  13. 我认为你脱不了干系,我认为是你杀了菩提。

    I think you 're involved and I think you killed booty .

  14. 我们从绝对菩提心的闪现开始&片刻的敞开、开放;

    We begin with flashy absolute bodhicitta-a moment of openness .

  15. 然而保有此传授,就必需要保持菩提心。

    But to maintain the transmission , one needs to sustain bodhicitta .

  16. 他死于当年提升的同一棵菩提树下。

    He died under the same Bodi tree that he ascended under .

  17. 玫瑰悬在小小的栅栏上,又嫩又香。菩提树也正在开着花。

    Fresh and fragrant roses hung over the little palings .

  18. 菩提是完全消除妄想后的更高的成就。

    Bodhi became a higher attainment that eradicate delusion entirely .

  19. 须菩提!一切诸佛,及诸佛阿耨多罗三藐三菩提法,皆从此经出。

    Subhuti , all Buddhas and their Supreme-Enlightenment-Dharma originate from this sutra .

  20. 他的誓愿得以实现是在他证菩提而成佛时。

    This vow was accomplished when he achieved enlightenment as the Amitabha Buddha .

  21. 书名叫《菩提树下,恒河水上》。

    It is called Under the Bodhi Tree and Above the Ganges River .

  22. 菩提树为什么长得这样大?

    How does a banyan tree grow so big ?

  23. 这一切,您将在市场经济土壤培育壮大的菩提树下顿悟。

    All these , you will re ze under the market economy soil .

  24. 菩提心是大乘佛法最重要的法教。

    Bodhicitta is the most important teaching of Mahayana .

  25. 回小向大菩提果。

    Turning from the small and embracing the great is the Bodhi fruit .

  26. 须菩提!实无有法名为菩萨。

    Because there is really no dharma called the Bodhisattva ( stage ) .

  27. 一花一世界,一木一菩提?

    Do you think one flower is a world ?

  28. 山区的老人种菩提树来净化树林。

    The old people in the mountains plant lindes to purify the forest .

  29. 斯里兰卡海上菩提

    SRI LANKA : A bodhi in the Ocean

  30. 再论四川的菩提瑞像

    Further Discussion of Auspicious Bodhi Images of Sichuan