
  • 网络bodhicitta;Bodhichitta;Bodhi Citta
  1. 原则上,以菩提心只要一张符就够了。

    In principle , with Bodhicitta just one sheet is enough .

  2. 菩提心是大乘佛法最重要的法教。

    Bodhicitta is the most important teaching of Mahayana .

  3. 我们的起点就是我们所说的愿菩提心。

    And our starting point is what we call aspiration bodhicitta .

  4. 我们从绝对菩提心的闪现开始&片刻的敞开、开放;

    We begin with flashy absolute bodhicitta-a moment of openness .

  5. 然而保有此传授,就必需要保持菩提心。

    But to maintain the transmission , one needs to sustain bodhicitta .

  6. 相对菩提心乃为利益众生而开悟的初发心。

    Relative Bodhicitta is the motivation to attain enlightenment for the benefit of others .

  7. 接着法王开始解说菩提心的根源是慈悲心。

    He then went on to explain that the root of bodhicitta is compassion .

  8. 我们所做的一切都希望能让更多的有情众生多多行善及发菩提心。

    Our aim is to hope that everyone will do good with a Bodhi mind .

  9. 我又再度从您发菩提心的教导中得到启示。

    I am once again inspired by your teaching of " Fa Pu Ti Hsin " .

  10. “因此,我们必须提出一个问题,”我们如何才能唤醒菩提心?

    Therefore , we have to pose the question , How can we awaken the Bodhi Mind ?

  11. 我已手书了我通常用以表达菩提心的句子,档案附呈。

    I have written the phrase I use to express Bodhicitta in calligraphy ; it is attached .

  12. 一切罪人。俱得离苦。皆发无上菩提心。

    All the sinners break wholly away the torments together , who have all developed the Supreme Bodhi-Citta .

  13. 但是就提醒发菩提心的重要性而言,增入此是无妨的。

    But there is no harm in adding it as a reminder of the importance of Bodhi intentions .

  14. 但是当此句子独立出来时,它可能表达出菩提心是有一个意图的意涵。

    But when this statement stands on its own , it might convey a sense that bodhicitta has a purpose .

  15. “只有当我们的做法这样一个考虑,我们可以说有”发达的菩提心。

    Only when we practice with such a mind , can we be said to have developed the Bodhi Mind .

  16. 应弟子敬行以下之提请,我已手书了〈发菩提心偈〉一文并将此档案附呈了。

    As requested by disciple Jing Xing below , I had written the gatha in calligraphy and the file is attached .

  17. 我们不应该抱着任何的期待。我们修习菩提心是为了修行而修行,不是为了快乐或是痛苦。

    One should not have any expectation * We practice Bodhichitta for the sake of practicing * no pain no happiness .

  18. 出于这个原因,菩提心的目标,该耕作应清楚了解,才定下了惯例。

    For this reason , the Bodhi Mind is the goal that the cultivator should clearly understand before he sets out to practice .

  19. 在这个修法中,我们把我们的菩提心和美善送出去,把痛苦、恐惧和幽闭感吸收进来。

    In this practice , we are sending out our bodhicitta , our goodness , and taking in the suffering , fear and claustrophobia .

  20. 佛说是普门品时,众中八万四千众生,皆发无等等阿耨多罗三藐三菩提心。

    When the Buddha had spoken the " Universal Door Chapter ," eighty-four thousand living beings in the assembly all brought forth the resolve for Anuttarasamyaksambodhi .

  21. 在第一段开示中,大宝法王噶玛巴提到了菩提心是佛教徒的修持的核心,也正是佛法的基础。

    The Gyalwang Karmapa began his first talk by noting that compassion is core to all Buddhist traditions , and can rightly be called the essence of the Buddha dharma .

  22. 告诉弟子训琳,我非常欣赏她希望有一幅我的唐卡画像,请看附呈的中文档案,的大菩提心。

    Tell disciple Xun Lin that her intention to have a Thangka of my image painted , see attached file in Chinese , is of great Bodhi importance , and I appreciate it very much .