
  • 网络Laizhou city
  1. 2007年莱州市食品超市内快餐店卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Food Hygiene of Noshery in Supermarkets in Laizhou City

  2. 莱州市渔业资源增殖现状及对策探讨

    Approaching the Status of Fishery Resources Enhancement and Countermeasures of Laizhou City

  3. 2000~2005年莱州市公共场所从业人员HBsAg检测分析

    Surveillance on HBsAg Carried by Employees of Public Places Laizhou County from 2000 to 2005

  4. 莱州市沿海防护林景观生态建设对策

    Countermeasures for landscape ecological construction of the coastal shelter forest in Laizhou City

  5. 莱州市上消化道肿瘤普查报告

    Report on the Upper Digestive Tract Tumor in the General Examine in Laizhou City

  6. 县(乡)级农业推广体系的问题与对策研究&以山东省沿海地区(莱州市)为例

    The Problems and Countermeasures Study of Agricultural Extension System at County Level of China

  7. 莱州市中职专业设置与区域产业结构适应性研究

    Research on the Relationship between the Professional Setting and Regional Industrial Structure in Laizhou City

  8. 读者阅读需求与公共图书馆服务&来自莱州市图书馆的调查报告

    Reading Requirements of Readers and Public Library Services : A Survey from Laizhou City Library

  9. 莱州市属于典型的北方沿海城市,属于水资源短缺地区。

    Laizhou is a typical coastal city in north , where the water resources is scarce .

  10. 2006~2007年莱州市农村饮水水质卫生状况调查

    Investigation on the Hygienic Quality of Drinking Water in Rural Areas of Laizhou from 2006 to 2007

  11. 莱州市地表水资源量在山丘区较丰富,但利用量较少;

    The surface water resources quantity is rich in the massif region but the using quantity is little .

  12. 探讨了莱州市海涂资源开发的原则与农业生态模式。

    At last , principles of resources exploitation and the pattern of agriculture ecology of tideland are discussed .

  13. 三山岛金矿位于山东省莱州市,是我国的一座大型金矿山。

    Sanshandao gold mine , located in Laizhou City Shandong Province , is a big gold mine of China .

  14. 引起莱州市海水入侵原因是多方面的,其主要因素是地表水、地下水开发利用失衡,地下水超采严重。

    The main factor is the unbalance of surface water and groundwater exploitation and utilization , overtake exploitation of groundwater .

  15. 本文以山东省莱州市为例,在不同水平年工程规划的基础上,结合滨海平原地区海水入侵问题,分析水资源优化配置的优、劣势影响因素。

    The factors influencing the optimal deployment of water Resources in coastal area are analyzed including the impact of sea-water intrusion .

  16. 不同海岸带造林后,其生长速度在海阳市最快,其次是莱州市和烟台市。

    P.pinaster grew better in the city of Haiyang than in Penglai and Yantai after forestation in different coastal zones in Shandong Province .

  17. 金成矿系统分析与找矿方法选择&以山东莱州市北部隐伏区找金为例

    Analysis of gold ore-forming system and selection of mineral prospecting methods : an evidence of gold ore exploration in concealed area , North laizhou , Shandong Province

  18. 以莱州市监测资料为基础,结合已有的研究结果,对莱州湾南岸海水入侵发展动态进行了研究。

    Based on the monitoring data measured in the Laizhou City and the available research results , the developments of seawater intrusion in the south coast area of the Laizhou Bay were studied .

  19. 种植业的发展要受资源条件的约束,本文介绍了莱州市种植业资源条件概况,发现莱州市除水资源缺乏外,自然资源条件较好,但农业科技应用等社会资源有待进一步加强。

    The paper outlines the plantation resources in City Laizhou , showing that all the natural resources is good except weak water resource and the application of agricultural technology of social resource is urgent to be strengthened .

  20. 本文总结了莱州市1994年以来开展渔业资源增殖放流取得的经验,分析了存在的问题,提出了促进莱州湾渔业资源增殖工作健康持续发展的对策。

    This article summarizes the experience of the fisheries resources proliferation by releasing marine lives since 1994 in Laizhou City , analyses the existing problems and puts forward the countermeasures of how to promote a healthy and sustainable development of fisheries resources proliferation by releasing marine lives in Laizhou Bay .