
  • 网络Lenny;Leoni;Leni;Ligne
  1. 莱尼集团目前在中国设立了多家机构和工厂,产品涉及铜线、缆及汽车线束系统。

    LEONI AG has invested some facilities in China , The products involve Wire , Cable and Wiring Systems .

  2. 希望通过本文的研究,促进和提高莱尼公司的培训管理工作,使其进入一个良性的循环。

    We wish to enhance training management in leoni cable company by the research of article , and let the training management go into a good circle .

  3. 莱尼仍不能消除令他不安的紧张感。

    Lenny still could not dissolve the nagging lump of tension in his chest .

  4. 莱尼就是一个不愿阅读的例子。

    Lainey is an example of an unwilling reader .

  5. 莱尼读完三年级。

    Lainey finished third grade .

  6. 但莱尼看了一眼,转转眼珠说:“无聊!”

    But Lainey took one look at it , rolled her eyes , and said , " Boring ! "

  7. "不,它太长了,而且没有任何照片。"莱尼抱怨道。

    " No , it ` s too long and it doesn ` t have any pictures . " complained Lainey .

  8. 正如这儿所显示的一样,当被呈现感兴趣的文学话题,并且周围人参与到阅读过程中时,莱尼会对阅读产生兴趣。

    As shown here , Lainey can become excited about reading when excited with literature on topics that interest her , and when the people around her model involvement in the reading process .

  9. 无套利均衡分析在公司理财领域的运用最早体现在莫迪格莱尼和米勒(1958)研究企业资本结构与企业价值之间关系的MM理论中。

    While it is Modigliani and Miller who first use no arbitrage principle in corporate finance field to explain MM theory , which is about the relationship of firm 's capital structure and it 's value .

  10. 今年,中兴Axon天机成为了新一代官方礼物,塞尔维亚总统尼科利奇、塔吉克斯坦总统艾玛马力·拉赫蒙、波黑轮值主席德拉甘·乔维奇、埃塞俄比亚总理海尔马里亚姆·德萨莱尼等多位国家元首都先后收到这份礼物。

    This year , ZTE 's AXON devices have been given as gifts to Serbian President Tomislav Nikoli ? , President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon , Chairman of Bosnia and Herzegovina 's tripartite Presidency Dragan Covic , and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn Boshe .

  11. 莱尼,有些事情我必须告诉你。

    Lenny , there 's something I need to tell you .

  12. 莱尼的嘴唇颤动着,眼里涌出了泪水。

    Lennie 's lips quivered and tears started in his eyes .

  13. 莱尼:没有,我的口袋里什么都没有。

    Lenny : No , it 's in none of my pockets .

  14. 郝莉,为了我,你能不能给莱尼一个机会?

    Holly , for me , would you give Lenny a chance ?

  15. 我战战兢兢地告诉莱尼我的鞋扣开了。

    I timidly told Lenny that my clasps were open .

  16. 当莫格莱尼触摸这块水晶时,他破裂的那只手被治愈了。

    When Mograine touched the crystal , his mangled hand was healed .

  17. 你不可能还认为那是莱尼吧,对吧?

    You can 't still think this guy is Lenny , right ?

  18. 莱尼不可能是你的神秘崇拜者。

    It 's impossible that Lenny is your secret admirer .

  19. 莱尼不是你的精神伴侣,本才是。

    Lenny is not your soul mate . Ben is .

  20. 我遇到了某人,他的名字叫莱尼。

    I met someone ... And his name is Lenny ...

  21. 我叫莱尼帮我一起给汤姆清洗干净。

    I got Lenny and we cleaned him up .

  22. 莱尼简捷地说了句祷告,祈求上帝照顾汤姆。

    Lenny said a brief prayer asking God to take care of Tom .

  23. 我在莱尼。泰勒的住所外停下车。

    I pull up outside where Lennie Taylor lives .

  24. 我就在莱尼。泰勒住所的外面。

    Here 's me outside where Lennie Taylor lives .

  25. 杰勒德,那家机构派来的人,来换下莱尼。

    Gerard , the replacement sent by the agency , arrived to relieve Lenny .

  26. 莱尼勺了些苹果酱放进他嘴里,但留在他舌下。

    Lenny spooned some applesauce in his mouth and it remained on his tongue .

  27. 艾迪,莱尼。泰勒到底想干什么?

    What did Lennie Taylor want , eddie ?

  28. 他和我在吃早餐,而莱尼正帮汤姆开始新的一天。

    He and I were eating breakfast while Lenny helped Tom start the day .

  29. 莱尼:太好了,但你看起来似乎仍然有点矛盾。

    Rene : That 's great , but you still seem a little distracted .

  30. 不要对莱尼那么小气,他是个好人。

    Don 't you be mean about Lenny . He 's a good egg .