
  • 网络Lycra;Leica;Leichhardt;LAICA
  1. 据该公司称,它生产的聚酯和莱卡那些能为陷阱,比如维生素C或人参有机物质的特殊结合。

    According to the company , it produces special blend of polyester and lycra which are able to trap organic substances like vitamin C or ginseng .

  2. 为了帮助纺织品加工中各企业在激烈的市场竞争中生产出与众不同的弹性产品,杜邦公司启动了“莱卡R伙伴计划”。

    DuPont starts its " Lycra R Assured " campaign to help enterprises to manufacture unique elastic products in today 's fiercely competitive market .

  3. 香奈儿(Chanel)的作品中包含了莱卡蕾丝制成的精致绑腿。

    Chanel sent out intricate leggings made from lace woven intricately with lycra .

  4. 小米VR头盔采用了莱卡棉材质,需配备一部4.7到5.7英寸的iOS或Android智能手机。

    The headset , made of Lycra , requires a compatible smartphone , either iOS or Android , of 4.7in to 5.7in .

  5. 身材一般、却穿着莱卡(Lycra)紧身运动衣的人,只会夸夸其谈,没有实际行动。

    The not terribly fit man in Lycra is all talk , no trousers .

  6. 莱卡R涤纶机织物具有高强度和高伸长,耐高温性优良,并具有良好的平整度和手感,舒适的伸缩性及幅宽稳定等优点,提高了莱卡R在涤纶机织物上的使用价值。

    The application of Lycra R on PET woven fabric features high tenacity and extension , high temperature resistance , good evenness and touch , comfortable elasticity and stable width , so the application value is raised .

  7. 信用卡接受:美国运通卡、大莱卡、JCB卡、万事达卡、维萨卡和所有中国银联卡。

    Credit Cards accepted : Amercian Express , Diners , JCB , Mastercard , Visa Cards and all China UnionPay Cards .

  8. 今年早些时候,LG的G5手机在主摄像头之外增加了一个广角镜头,而华为(Huawei)旗舰手机P9搭载了莱卡(Leica)品牌的双镜头系统,号称能够增强画面。

    Earlier this year , LG 's G5 phone added a wide-angle lens alongside its main camera while Huawei 's flagship , the P9 , comes with a Leica-branded twin-lens system that boasts image enhancements .

  9. 最终,应用一款莱卡的商业摄影测量软件LPS9.2生成了月球近南极区域约7万平方公里大小,重叠率大于60%区域的DEM和DOM。

    In the end , we use a business application software named Leica Photogrammetry System ( LPS ) 9.2 to generate a DEM and DOM of lunar south pole area with 70,000 square kilometers , whose overlap rate of the Clementine images are more than 60 % .

  10. 而杜邦莱卡○RXA在个人护理产品中的应用,已显示出女性护理产品及成人失禁产品在这些方面存在持续增长的机遇。

    According to Dupont 's lycra ○ R personal care , there will be a continued groth opportunity for feminine care products and certainly for adult incontinence products , mainly in these regions .

  11. 它还延续了松下的图像稳定系统和Panny一贯的“莱卡”镜头&尽管我们知道这种镜头3/4来自奥林巴斯。

    The DMC-L1 also includes Panasonic 's image stabilization system , and continues Panny 's use of Leica-branded lenses & though in this case the lenses use Olympus 's Four Thirds system .

  12. 锦纶莱卡包覆纱拉伸性能与包覆度的关系

    Relation Between Polyamide Lycra Covered Yarn Tensile Property and Coverage Degree

  13. 莱卡~R(Lycra~R)在涤纶机织物上的应用价值

    The Application Value of Lycra ~ R on PET Woven Fabric

  14. 但避免穿紧身莱卡和尼龙运动服装。

    But avoid wearing tight lycra and nylon exercise outfits .

  15. 一个令人兴奋的新技术是由皮革服装与莱卡的。

    One exciting new technology is apparel made from Leather with LYCRA .

  16. 莱卡五金有限公司是一家大型五金制品生产企业。

    LEICA HARDWARE CO. , LTD. is an large hardware manufacture enterprise .

  17. 他两在莱卡我型我秀的比赛中相遇了。

    The two met in the " Lycra my show " contest .

  18. 莱卡的球衣是在排汗有效的皮肤。

    Lycra jerseys that are effective in sweat evaporation from the skin .

  19. 但这可是莱卡布料的。

    B : But this shirt is made of Lycra .

  20. 比如,不含乳胶的莱卡衣物的过敏性较低。

    For instance , latex-free clothes that use lycra are usually hypoallergenic .

  21. 含莱卡的无缝成形内衣的染整加工

    Dyeing and Finishing of Seamless Shaped Underwear with Lycra Contained

  22. 莱卡是第一个飞上太空的地球生物。

    Laika was the first living thing to fly around the Earth in Nov.

  23. 莱卡~R在涤纶弹性纬编产品生产中的应用价值

    The Application Value of Lycra ~ R on Elastic PET Weft Knitted Fabric

  24. 羊毛/莱卡混纺织物分散染料&浴法染色研究

    Study on Wool / Lycra Blends Dyeing with Disperse Dyes in One Bath

  25. 莱卡弹力机织布,已成为服饰行业中的一个新宠。

    Laca elastic woven cloth has become a new favorite in dress trade .

  26. 在过去的20年里,我主要使用莱卡相机。

    For two decades I used primarily Leica rangefinders .

  27. 在环锭细纱机上纺制莱卡包芯纱的生产实践

    The Spinning Practice of Lycra Core - spun Yarn on Ring Spinning Frame

  28. 羊毛加莱卡产品的研制阳离子改性涤纶/莱卡混纺织物染色工艺

    Studies on the LAIKA / wool Blending Fabric Dyeing of CDP-Lycra blended fabric

  29. 精纺莱卡毛织物的开发与生产

    Development and production of worsted wool fabric with lycra

  30. 精纺丝光毛莱卡段色抗菌羊绒围巾的开发

    Study on anti-bacterial cashmere scarf with mercerized worsted wool and lycra by dip dye process