
  • 网络mortimer;ian mortimer
  1. 从莫蒂默旅馆去往伦敦市中心交通近便。

    The Mortimer Hotel offers easy access to central London .

  2. 莫蒂默继续在昆明之外的地方开发。他说:

    Mortimer , who continues to develop outside Kunming , said :

  3. 我在这里与莫蒂默讨论一个剧本。

    I was right here writing a play with Mortimer brewster .

  4. 楼下还有一个莫蒂默的朋友在等着他呢。

    There 's a friend of mortimer 's downstairs waiting for him .

  5. 他不会干预我们为莫蒂默和伊莱恩制定的计划的。

    He won 't interfere with our plans for Mortimer and elaine .

  6. 千万别问莫蒂默他正在养的是什么花。

    Don 't ask Mortimer what kind of rose he 's growing .

  7. 你觉不觉得莫蒂默今天好像变了一个人。

    You know , Mortimer didn 't seem to be quite himself today .

  8. 不,是莫蒂默,那个没耳朵的高个子。

    No , that tall fellow with no ears .

  9. 哈珀牧师,我真希望你不要反对莫蒂默的观点。

    Reverend harper , I do hope you don 't disapprove of mortimer .

  10. 不过今晚我们要照顾一下莫蒂默。

    But tonight we are taking care of mortimer .

  11. 如果要托付某人来解决这个问题,那么这个人就是莫蒂默。

    If anyone should be trusted to solve the problem , it 's mortimer .

  12. 莫蒂默和富尔肯应该已经赶到了。

    Mortimer and Falcone should be there already .

  13. 莫蒂默今天这是怎么了?

    Whatever is the matter with Mortimer today ?

  14. 你怎么会用莫蒂默的电话?

    How did you get mortimer 's phone ?

  15. 我们不用生莫蒂默的气。

    We mustn 't be angry with mortimer .

  16. 抱歉莫蒂默医生说对了用自编的记忆掩盖儿时的心理创伤

    No , sorry , Dr Mortimer wins . It 's a childhood trauma masked by an invented memory .

  17. 相关论文发表在11月14日的网络版《零售和消费者服务》杂志上。奥唐纳是该论文的第一作者。市场部主管朱迪·斯特雷贝尔以及他们的澳大利亚同事、昆士兰大学的加里·莫蒂默为共同作者。

    O'Donnell is the lead author on an article published online Nov. 14 in the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services , with Judi Strebel , chair of the marketing department , and their Australian colleague Gary Mortimer of Queensland University as co-authors .