
  1. 他经常看格里尔斯的生存类节目《荒野求生》。

    He had often watched Grylls ' survival show Man vs.Wild .

  2. 在《荒野求生》的每一集中,格里尔斯都被丢弃到一个荒野,然后他得找到出路。

    In each episode of Man vs.Wild , Grylls is abandoned in a wild area and has to find his way out .

  3. 该系列邀请了明星贝尔·格里尔斯求生专家,他主持的《荒野求生》(在发现频道播放(DiscoveryChannel)每一集他都被困在偏远恶劣的环境之中,该节目很受欢迎。

    It 's a twist on his popular Discovery Channel series Man vs. Wild , where , in each episode , Grylls is stranded in a remote , harsh environment .

  4. 在洛杉矶网飞公司有关《荒野求生》的宣布会上,该剧集的监制CindyHolland在被问及观众会不会把格里尔斯推入危险的境地时,她笑道,《荒野求生》不会像《潘达斯奈基》那么腹黑。

    At Netflix 's You vs. Wild announcement event in Los Angeles , the streamer 's VP of original series Cindy Holland laughed when asked if the series would involve viewers putting Grylls in mortal peril , and said that You vs. Wild won 't be as " dark " as Bandersnatch .

  5. 我将向你们展示如何在危机四伏的荒野求生。

    I 'm showing how to survive in this hostile wilderness .

  6. 现在《荒野求生》将会测试观众对于格里尔斯的建议有没有上心。

    Now , You vs. Wild have will see just how well viewers been paying attention to Grylls " advice .

  7. 这次,她走进南岛的卡胡朗吉国家公园,没带食物,想看看自己能不能荒野求生三十天。

    This time she walked into the South Island 's Kahurangi National Park without food to see if she could survive for 30 days .

  8. 我将为你们展示走出这片荒野的求生技巧。

    I 'm gonna show the skills needed to survive out here .