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  1. 高香型优质乌龙茶新品系瑞香选育简报乌龙茶种质资源种群遗传多样性AFLP评价

    Breeding Report on Strong Aroma and Good Quality Newly Bred Oolong Variety Rui Xiang Evaluation of Genetic Diversity in Oolong Tea Germplasms by AFLP Fingerprinting

  2. 色调较深的人适合一些茶褐色系,令你看来更有个性。

    Tonal darker for some people , make you seem tan is more personality .

  3. 几个适制卷茶的无性系品种比较试验

    Comparative Trial of Several Clonal Tea Varieties Suitable for Curl-shaped Green Tea

  4. 其高皂甙含量的持续时间很长,而且高皂甙含量持续时间正好与生物产量形成高峰期吻合,是生产绞股蓝茶的优良品系。

    The higher saponins content lasted for relative long time , and is consistent with the biomass , so 40201 cultivar is the eximious species to produce Gynostemma tea .