
chá fáng
  • waiter;boy;steward;bellboy;bellhop;hotel page;room in which the boiled water are placed
茶房 [chá fáng]
  • (1) [room in which the boiled water are placed]∶放茶食、烧开水的地方

  • (2) [waiter;boy;bellboy;bellhop;hotel page]∶旧称茶馆、旅店、火车、剧场等处的供应茶水及做杂务的工人

茶房[chá fáng]
  1. 看来那个茶房已经相信我否认不了了。

    The waiter seemed convinced that I could not deny it .

  2. 茶房来请午饭了,再谈。

    The waiter came to say lunch is ready . I 'll talk to you later .

  3. 茶房会在门口把钥匙交给你的。

    The boy will bring you the keys at the door .

  4. 茶房可以有充分的乐趣及安慰。

    Having a full pantry can be fun and reassuring .

  5. 茶房放下皮包回头问。

    Asked the hotel attendant putting down the black bag .

  6. 另外一回,一个穿着棉绒制服的火车上的茶房来找他。

    and on another , a railway porter in his velveteen uniform .

  7. 又嘱托茶房好好照应我。

    He also asked the train attendants to take good care of me .

  8. 他让茶房进来时,嘉莉红着脸兴奋地走到一边。

    Carrie , flushed and excited , moved away as he admitted the boy .

  9. 一等经理看不见他们,茶房领班就改变了态度。

    Out of the manager 's sight , the head porter 's manner changed .

  10. 围着桌子一阵大大的纷忙,茶房们极其活跃。

    There was a considerable bustle round the table , and the waiters became very active .

  11. 嘉莉看到茶房递给她的名片,大大地吃了一惊。

    Carrie looked at the card handed by the boy and suffered a shock of surprise .

  12. 一个面带愁容的大个子茶房正站在一个侧门口,向外看着。

    A big , heavy-faced porter was standing at one of the side entrances , looking out .

  13. 但他终于不放心,怕茶房不妥帖;颇踌躇了一会。

    Even so , afraid the fellow might let me down , he worried for quite a time .

  14. 茶房把伞交还孙小姐,湿漉漉加了热气腾腾。

    The waiter handed Miss Sun the parasol , which was now steaming hot as well as dripping wet .

  15. 这个茶房似乎相信我是否认不了了的,正因此我才摆出了这副面孔。

    The waiter seemed convinced that I could not deny it , and that it gave the case a black look .

  16. 这时,我们已经在舱里坐定。茶房端来放着酒瓶和杯子的托盘。

    By this time we were seated in the cabin and the steward brought in a tray with a bottle and glasses .

  17. 他再三嘱咐茶房,甚是仔细。但他终于不放心,怕茶房不妥贴,颇踌躇了一会。

    He urged the waiter again and again to take good care of me , but still did not quite trust him .

  18. 我接着便摇铃唤茶房进来。我大胆地看着他,吩咐他在我洗澡时把房间整理一下。

    I then rang for the steward , and facing him boldly , directed him to tidy up my stateroom while I was having my bath .

  19. 一个擦鞋的茶房自愿领我上去。这个房间是在三楼,有一条不长的走廊可以直达。

    The boots volunteered to show me the room : it was on the second floor , and there was a small corridor leading up to it .

  20. 父亲因为事忙,本已说定不送我,叫旅馆里一个熟识的茶房陪我同去。

    Father said he was too busy to go and see me off at the railway station , but would ask a hotel waiter that he knew to accompany me there instead .

  21. 替他擦皮靴的那个茶房觉得,像他这样一位有钱的绅士,他的这双皮鞋真是旧得太滑稽了。但是新的他还来不及买。

    The servant , who cleaned his boots , thought they certainly were a shabby pair to be worn by such a rich gentleman , for he had not yet bought any new ones .

  22. 茶房把房门指给我看了以后,正要下楼,我突然看到一种景象,使我十分恶心,要想呕吐,我虽然有二十年的经历,这时也不能自持,

    The boots pointed out the door to me , and was about to go downstairs again when I saw something that made me feel sickish , in spite of my twenty years ' experience .

  23. 荪甫他们三位走上了那公司船的甲板时,吴老太爷已经由云飞的茶房扶出来坐上藤椅子了。

    While Wu Sun-fu and the Tu couple were picking their way across the deck of the tug , a cabin boy helped Old Mr. Wu out on deck and sat him down in the cane-chair .

  24. 他一下出租汽车,看到守门人此刻不象往常那样忙得不可开支,却在侍者进出的门口和一个茶房闲聊,顿时感到冷冷清清。

    He felt the stillness from the moment he got out of the taxi and saw the doorman , usually in a frenzy of activity at this hour , gossiping with a chasseur by the servants'entrance .

  25. 辛楣跟洋车夫讲价钱,鸿渐替孙小姐爱惜这顶伞,分会茶房拿去挤了水,放在茶炉前面烘。

    While Hsin-mei was bargaining with the head rickshaw boy , Hung-chien took care of the parasol for miss sun , instructing the waiter to squeeze out the water and set it in front of the stove to dry .