
  • 网络Russell Flannery;Flannery;Russel Flannery
  1. 香港是一个非常独特的地方,因为它与中国内地联系紧密,同时又与西方关系悠久,《福布斯》该榜单的负责人范鲁贤(RussellFlannery)表示。

    Hong Kong is a very remarkable place because of its close relationship with China and long-term relationship with the west , said Russell Flannery , who oversees the list for Forbes .

  2. 福布斯上海分社社长范鲁贤在一个新闻发布会上说:中国的富豪比美国的富豪年轻得多。

    " China 's richest are a lot younger than America 's richest ," said Russell Flannery , Forbes ' Shanghai bureau chief , at a news conference .

  3. 范鲁贤说,《福布斯》在计较张茵的资产总额时,未将她丈妇战弟弟在玖龙纸业的资产算在内。

    Flannery said Forbes calculated Zhang 's wealth separately from the stakes that her husband and brother own in Nine Dragons .

  4. 我认为未来香港面临的有趣考验将是富二代和富三代的创业智慧,范鲁贤表示。

    I think the interesting test for Hong Kong in future will be the entrepreneurial wit of second and third-generation [ tycoons ] , Mr Flannery said .

  5. 《福布斯杂志》上海分社负责人范鲁贤表示,人们往往愿意居留在居住条件好的地方,而中国已经成为了一个具有吸引力和竞争力的选择。

    People always want to live where there are better living conditions , and China has become an attractive and competitive choice , said Russell Flannery , Shanghai bureau chief for Forbes Magazine .