
  • 网络royal mail;British Royal Mail
  1. 由于那时还没有互联网和手机,因此作为保持联络的一种途径,英国皇家邮政(RoyalMail)要比今天重要得多。

    This was before the internet and mobile phones , so the Royal Mail was a much more important way to keep in touch than it is now .

  2. 英国皇家邮政公司(RoyalMail)此前警告称,奥运会期间的交通拥堵将严重影响邮政服务,该公司敦促伦敦人提前一天投递,以应对邮件递送延误。

    The Royal Mail warned this week that Olympic travel congestion would disrupt postal services , urging Londoners to post their mail a day earlier to beat delays .

  3. 英国皇家邮政局宣称,他们2年前就已经将Mx作为顾客在线注册的前缀选项。

    The Royal Mail has said it introduced Mx as an option for those registering online following requests from customers two years ago .

  4. 英国皇家邮政、英国街头分行,政府部门还有一些大学如今都接受Mx这个称呼前缀Mx是对跨性别者和其他有性别认知障碍个人的称呼。

    Royal Mail , high street banks , government departments and some universities all now accept Mx which is used by transgender people or other individuals who do not identify with a particular gender .

  5. 英国皇家邮政委托艺术家安吉拉·巴雷特完成了邮票上的插图。

    Royal Mail commissioned the artwork by Angela Barrett .

  6. 英国皇家邮政宣布,将于明年1月发行一套披头士乐队的邮票。

    The Beatles are to appear on a set of stamps in January , the Royal Mail has announced .

  7. 该工会和英国皇家邮政相互指责对方放弃2007年商定的薪资和现代化计划。

    The union and Royal Mail are accusing each other of abandoning the pay and modernisation programme agreed in2007 .

  8. 为庆祝威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿大婚,英国皇家邮政将会发行纪念邮票。

    The Royal Mail will publish stamps commemorating the engagement GetWord (" engagement "); of Prince William to Kate Middleton .

  9. 罗伯逊预计,与天猫的合作将增加英国皇家邮政分发的包裹数目。

    Ms Robertson at Transport Intelligence expects the partnership with Tmall to increase the number of parcels distributed by Royal Mail .

  10. 英国皇家邮政负责邮票发行的发言人安德鲁哈蒙德说:提到英国作家,肯定会想到简奥斯汀。

    Royal Mail stamps spokesman Andrew Hammond said : When you think of great British authors , Jane Austen inevitably comes to mind .

  11. 英国皇家邮政公司的菲利普·帕克表示:“哈利波特电影一直令各个年龄阶段的观众激动又欣喜。

    Philip Parker of Royal Mail , said : ' The Harry Potter movies continue to thrill and delight audiences of all ages .

  12. 但是,英国皇家邮政否认是他们的失责,辩解称他们经常有规律的清理信箱以及邮局存放邮件的仓库,贺卡不大可能因他们的疏忽而导致邮寄的推迟。

    But Royal Mail said it is very unlikely the card was with them all that time as they regularly clean out their sorting office and post boxes .

  13. 对于那些不愿意进入这种狭窄幽闭空间的人来说,在博物馆可以体验到英国皇家邮政500年的交互之旅。

    For those who prefer not to experience the cramped and claustrophobic conditions , the museum offers an interactive journey through 500 years of Britain 's Royal Mail .

  14. 为庆祝英女王登基50周年大典,英国皇家邮政局决定在女王加冕日这一天发行一套共5枚纪念邮票,上面印有女王在不同时期所影的头像。

    The Golden Jubilee stamps , issued on the50th anniversary of the Queen 's accession to the throne , is without the usual silhouette of the Queen 's head .

  15. 英国皇家邮政上周三宣布,叫座获奖魔幻电视节目《权利的游戏》中的角色将出现在一套新邮票上。

    Characters from the smash-hit award-winning fantasy television program , Game of Thrones , are to feature on a new series of stamps , Britain 's Royal Mail announced last Wednesday .

  16. 麦当诺说自己这样做绝非为了逃避邮费,他还曾经数次试图向英国皇家邮政局寄出支票,以付清全部邮费,但这些支票都被退回来了。

    Mr McDonagh claims he never meant to evade payment and has even tried to send Royal Mail a number of cheques for the total costs , but they were all returned .

  17. 英国皇家邮政在本周为一些全球很有知名度男巫、女巫以及魔法师角色发型了一套邮票,包括摩根、阿不思·邓布利多等著名角色都包括在内。

    This week , Royal Mail released a special set of stamps featuring some of the world 's most famous wizards , witches and enchanters , from Morgan le Fay to Albus Dumbledore .

  18. 巧的是,英国皇家邮政最近一项研究最近也发现去年有2600起犬类伤害员工事件,其中诺丁汉郡遇袭频度最高。

    The research coincides with a recent study from the Royal Mail which revealed there were 2600 dog attacks against their staff last year , with attacks in Nottinghamshire being the most frequent .

  19. 该联盟说,该活动可能升级为全国性罢工,并指责英国皇家邮政的“无能”,因为集团的部分私有化计划被商业秘书勋爵曼德尔森搁置。

    The union said that the activity could escalate to a national strike and accused Royal Mail of " sulking " since plans to part-privatise the group were shelved by Lord Mandelson , the Business Secretary .

  20. 结果,这一抓招致英国皇家邮政局勒令该住户不许让猫接近前门,否则将禁止给他们位于朴茨茅斯的家递送信件。

    As a result , Royal Mail has ordered the family members to keep their pet away from the front door or face a ban on deliveries to their home in Portsmouth , the Daily Mail of London reported Tuesday .

  21. 一旦有英国运动员拿了金牌,英国皇家邮政就会即刻开始设计一款印有该运动员头像的邮票,并在第二天发送至全国500家邮局对外发售。

    From the moment any take gold , the Royal Mail will begin designing a stamp bearing their image and deliver them to 500 post offices for sale the following day .