
  • 网络CIPD
  1. 英国特许人事和发展协会(charteredinstituteofpersonnelanddevelopment)称,几乎一半的英国雇主提供一种激励措施,鼓励员工从朋友和熟人那里收取简历。

    Almost half of UK employers offer staff an incentive to solicit job applications from friends and associates , according to the Chartered Institute of personnel and development .

  2. 英国特许人事和发展协会(CharteredInstituteofPersonnelandDevelopment)的多元化顾问戴安娜•沃曼(DianahWorman)提醒雇主,一旦员工“出柜”,他们就没有回头路可走了。

    Dianah Worman , diversity adviser at the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development , reminds employers that once staff are " out " they cannot go back .

  3. 英国特许人事与发展协会(CharteredInstituteforPersonnelandDevelopment)公共政策主管本威尔莫特(BenWillmott)表示,改变每周40小时工作制的过程是“渐进的,但这个趋势肯定在持续”。

    Ben Willmott , head of public policy at Britain 's Chartered Institute for Personnel and Development , says the shift away from the 40 hour week is " gradual but the trend is definitely in train . "

  4. 英国特许人事与发展协会的本•威尔默特说:尽管大量证据表明领导能力和管理能力是经济增长的要素,然而这两方面的能力对英国上市有限公司而言依然是个软肋。

    Ben Willmott , of the CIPD , said : Leadership and management capability continues to be an Achilles heel for UK plc , despite mounting evidence that these are skills for growth essentials .

  5. 尽管科技可以让员工摆脱办公桌的束缚,但英国特许人事与发展协会表示,“出勤主义”(指出现在办公室的必要性)升温。

    Even though technology has the power to unshackle workers from their desks , the CIPD says there is an increase in " presenteeism " - the need to be seen in the office .

  6. 英国特许人事与发展协会的本•威尔默特说:“尽管大量证据表明领导能力和管理能力是经济增长的要素,然而这两方面的能力对英国上市有限公司而言依然是个软肋。”

    Ben Willmott , of the CIPD , said : " Leadership and management capability continues to be an Achilles heel for UK plc , despite mounting evidence that these are skills for growth essentials . "

  7. 尽管如此,英国特许人事和发展协会等机构的经济学家预计,未来几个月将会出现裁员潮,因为雇主也无能为力,由于订单大幅减少,他们将被迫裁减固定员工。

    Economists , including at the CIPD , nonetheless expect a flood of redundancies over the next few months as employers bow to the inevitable and are forced to cut permanent jobs in the wake of sharply reduced order books .