
  • 网络Yingli Solar;Yingli Group
  1. 适逢午休时分,在保定最大的太阳能企业英利集团(YingliSolar)整洁的厂区内,一些工人在室外打着篮球。

    On the tidy campus of Yingli Solar , Baoding 's biggest solar company , workers play basketball outside during a lunch break .

  2. 全球第二大太阳能电池板制造商英利集团(YingliSolar)总部所在的保定,在中国环保部周一发表的74个城市空气质量状况报告中,被列为空气污染最严重的城市。

    Baoding , home to Yingli Solar , the world 's second-largest solar panel maker , was the most polluted among the 74 cities on an environment ministry list published on Monday .

  3. 虽然万达是中国入围顶级赞助的第一家企业,但另外一家中国企业英利集团--一家太阳能电池板供应商,是2010年和2014年两届世界杯的国际足联二级赞助商。

    Although Wanda is the first Chinese firm to enter at this top level , another Chinese firm , Yingli Solar - a solar panel provider - was a second-tier Fifa sponsor of the 2010 and 2014 World Cups .