
  • 网络Royal Scottish Academy
  1. 麦克尼成了苏格兰皇家学院的主席。

    Macnee became president of the Royal Scottish academy .

  2. 当下,苏格兰皇家学院所在的大厦正在举行苏格兰首次让·穆克作品展,现场人潮涌动。

    Right now the Royal Scottish Academy building teems with crowds on the occasion of Scotland 's first Ron Mueck exhibition .

  3. 其研究生阶段作品《黑与灰》(2007年)一张就耗时五个月,并获得了当年苏格兰皇家学院颁发的“苏格兰未来之星大奖”。

    " Black and Grey " of his post graduate period in2007 took him five months to finish , and won the " Scotland Future Star Award " in Scotland Imperial Academy in that year .