
  • 网络SNP;The Scottish National Party
  1. 至少,苏格兰民族党正在带领苏格兰走向除外交事务外的全面自治&这种自治权可与加泰罗尼亚(Catalonia)享有的自治权相媲美。

    At the very least , the SNP is leading Scotland to self-rule in all but foreign affairs – an autonomy comparable to that enjoyed by Catalonia .

  2. 但有两个可能改变大势的因素苏格兰民族党党魁、苏格兰首席大臣亚历克斯萨尔蒙德(alexsalmond)高超的政治手腕,以及英国联合政府在苏格兰的惨淡人气。

    But there are two wild cards the considerable political skills of Alex Salmond , the SNP leader and Scottish first minister , and the unpopularity of the UK coalition government in Scotland .

  3. 像苏格兰民族党(scottishnationalparty)所建议的那样,在一个未定期限内继续留在英镑区,不可能由单方面决定。

    Remaining within the sterling area for an unknown period , as the Scottish National Party suggests , cannot be a unilateral decision .

  4. 他的苏格兰民族党(SNP)政府目前正享受着有史以来民意测验最高的认可。

    His Scottish National Party 's ( SNP 's ) devolved government currently enjoys record opinion-poll ratings .

  5. 独派苏格兰民族党(snp)招揽他们的计划是让独立看上去不过是小事一桩。

    The separatist Scottish National Party ( SNP ) will try to woo them by making independence seem trivial .

  6. 2007年苏格兰民族党(ScottishNationalParty,简称SNP)入主苏格兰议会后,宪法问题成了苏格兰政治的中心,最终带来独立公投。

    Since 2007 , when the Scottish National party took charge of the devolved parliament , constitutional questions - culminating in the independence referendum - have defined politics north of the border .

  7. 历史并非唯一因素:苏格兰民族党(ScottishNationalParty)还希望选民们放心,苏格兰和斯堪的纳维亚邻国的相似之处——较小的规模,环保意识以及挪威式的石油储备——足以保障它的繁荣。

    And it wasn 't all historic either : The Scottish Nationalist Party assured voters that Scotland 's similarities to its Scandinavian neighbors - its small size , its environmental awareness and its Norwegian-style oil reserves - would guarantee prosperity .

  8. 但苏格兰民族党的公投宣传活动主管安格斯·罗伯逊(AngusRobertson)说,名人作为大使,的确有作用。

    But Angus Robertson , campaign director for the referendum for the Scottish National Party , said that celebrity ambassadors do matter .

  9. 但苏格兰民族党的公投宣传活动主管安格斯·罗伯逊(AngusRobertson)说,名人作为“大使”,的确有作用。

    But Angus Robertson , campaign director for the referendum for the Scottish National Party , said that celebrity " ambassadors " do matter .

  10. 因此,苏格兰民族党(SNP)提出的独立主张非常温和,信奉公民价值观,而不是民族认同,强调继续与英国其余部分保持紧密联系。

    The version of independence on offer by the Scottish National party is thus a strikingly moderate one , espousing civic values rather than ethnic identity and stressing continuing close links with the remaining UK .

  11. 苏格兰民族党仍能抗争。

    The SNP will still be able to protest .

  12. 苏格兰民族党人再次为保卫他们的祖国而战。

    The Scottish nationalists were once again carrying the cudgel for their country .

  13. 苏格兰民族党接着威胁,苏格兰将拒绝分担英国债务。

    The SNP then threatened to refuse to acknowledge a share of UK debt .

  14. 再说,苏格兰民族党为什么要改变?

    And why would the SNP change ?

  15. 苏格兰民族党于2011年在苏格兰获选,并誓言独立公投。

    The Scottish National Party was elected in Scotland in 2011 and promised a referendum on independence .

  16. 苏格兰民族党的党员已翻了两番,该党大会的基调为复兴。

    The party 's membership has quadrupled . The SNP conference had the tenor of a revivalist meeting .

  17. 这名支持独立的苏格兰民族党领袖表示,她将为苏格兰成为一个独立国家做出努力。

    The leader of the pro-independence Scottish National Party says she will make the case for Scotland to become an independent country .

  18. 就像一个“地位焦虑症”患者,苏格兰民族党一直对自己没有的东西耿耿于怀,而对自己拥有的东西视而不见。

    As if plagued by status anxiety , the SNP has agonised over what it does not have while neglecting what it has .

  19. 他们暗示,如果苏格兰民族党想搞福利优厚的国家主义,就需要说服苏格兰人为此买单。

    If the SNP wants to fund munificent statism , they imply , it will need to persuade Scots to foot the bill .

  20. 不久以前,爱丁堡、格拉斯哥或阿伯丁上流社会的许多人还把苏格兰民族党视为一群左翼怪人。

    Not too long ago much of polite society in Edinburgh , Glasgow or Aberdeen saw the SNP as a collection of leftish cranks .

  21. 苏格兰民族党又用了40年的时间,赢得了举行独立公投的机会&推动独立是该党长期以来的承诺。

    It has taken another 40 years for the SNP to win the chance to hold the referendum on independence that it has long pledged .

  22. 他提出,工党的经济政策不可靠;工党政府将被奉行独立的苏格兰民族党绑架。

    Labour , he argues , would prove untrustworthy on the economy ; and a Labour government would be held hostage by a separatist Scottish National party .

  23. 苏格兰民族党在公投活动中抛出了一个欺骗性主张,即独立的苏格兰不仅能维持而且可以改善其福利国家制度。

    One of the deceitful arguments made by the SNP in the referendum campaign was that an independent Scotland could not merely sustain , but improve , its welfare state .

  24. 苏格兰民族党支持工党的价码想必正是萨尔蒙德所概述的:苏格兰既得到财政自主权,又得到英国其他地区为其提供的财政保险。

    The price of SNP support for Labour would presumably be precisely what Mr Salmond outlines : fiscal autonomy for Scotland along with fiscal insurance for Scotland by the rest of the UK .

  25. 英国爱丁堡苏格兰民族党的部长们要求苏格兰大学签署新的“结局协议”,按照该协议,如果大学同意“扩大招生来源”,将得到公用基金。

    SNP ministers in Edinburgh are demanding that Scottish universities sign new " outcome agreements " that will see them given public funding on the condition they agree to " widen access . "

  26. 苏格兰民族党如果在2015年英国大选,及/或2016年苏格兰选举中有强劲表现,将鼓励民族主义者相信他们有资格争取更多权力下放:“史密斯建议增强版”。

    A strong SNP performance in the 2015 UK general election , and / or the 2016 Scottish elections , will encourage the nationalists to think they have a mandate for even more devolution : " Smith plus . "

  27. 工党政府将发现,如果它与苏格兰民族党达成这样一个交易,它将非常难以(如果不是不可能的话)控制支出和赤字:增加支出的理由很强大。

    A Labour government would find it very hard indeed , if not impossible , to hold the line on spending and the deficit if it made such a bargain with the SNP : there is a case for more spending .

  28. 苏格兰民族党政客坚称,这一形势的改变发生于苏格兰公投决定留在欧盟、反对英国脱欧之后。一艘载有43名船员和约5800头牛的货船在日本西南部奄美大岛以西失踪。日本海上保安厅已展开搜索行动。

    SNP politicians insist the situation changed after Scotland voted to remain in the European Union , the national vote A freighter carrying 43 crew members and about 5800 cattle has gone missing while traveling west of Amami-Oshima Island in southwestern Japan .

  29. 他们可以在苏格兰议会选举中把票投给苏格兰民族党,同时在英国大选中把票投给统一派政党。

    They can vote for the SNP in Scotland while backing unionist parties in British general elections .

  30. 上周,苏格兰议会中两名和平主义议员从苏格兰民族党辞职。

    Last week two pacifist members of the Scottish Parliament resigned from the SNP .