
cāng huáng
  • greenish yellow;be greenish yellow;black or yellow;in a flurry;in panic
苍黄 [cāng huáng]
  • (1) [be greenish yellow]∶灰黄色

  • 苍黄的天底下,远近横着几个萧索的荒村。--鲁迅《故乡》

  • 病人面色苍黄

  • (2) [black or yellow]∶《墨子.所染》:见染丝者而叹曰:染于苍则苍,染于黄则黄。后来用苍黄比喻事物的变化

  • [in a flurry;in panic] 匆促慌张

  • 神色苍黄

苍黄[cāng huáng]
  1. 它虽不像玫瑰那样红艳,也不如万寿菊那么苍黄;

    Although it is neither so red as rose , nor so greenish yellow as marigold ;

  2. 我喜欢骑着马,独自去领略草原的那一份苍黄。

    I like riding horses , and that alone to experience the grasslands of a greenish yellow .

  3. 病人面色苍黄。

    The patient has a sallow complexion .

  4. 在更加苍黄的时日,主人来不及与它打招呼,溶进城市街衢的喧嚣。

    On a more greenish yellow day , the master is drowned in the boisterousness of the city , too hasty to say goodbye to the coir raincoat .