- 动pollen culture

In anther and pollen culture , using the low temperature treating anthotaxy ( 4 , 1 ~ 2day ) before being inoculated and high temperature culturing ( 33 1 ~ 2day ) after being inoculated can promote the embryogenesis and increase embryoid rate .
Progress of Anther and Pollen Culture of Solanum Vegetable Crops
The Ca2 + amount released from pollen wall was positively correlated significantly with pollen germination and tube length during pollen incubation .
The rate of the germination pollen cultured is very low .
Green Plants Regenerated from Isolated Rice Pollen Grains in vitro and the Induction Factors
However , the complex process and higher frequency of colonel variation make anther or pollen culture quite difficult in large scales application .
An Analytic Study of the Sucrose Concentrations , the Exogenous Hormone and the Low Temperature Pretreatment Influencing the Initiation of Cell Division in Wheat Pollen Culture
History effect factors and culture technology of anther and pollen culture of solanum vegetable crops were reviewed . The questions and research orientation in the future were indicated .
This article reviewed the advances of anther culture , including embryogenesis in anther culture , factors effecting anther culture and so on . The paper also put forward some existing problems and research prospects in anther culture .
This article summarized the application of biotechnology breeding in fruit trees from embryo culture , anther and pollen culture , protoplast culture and cell fusion , gene engineering breeding . The direction which needs further investigation was also discussed .
The effects of medium components and pH on pollen germination and tube growth in pear by cultivating pollens in liquid medium were studieds .
Experiment on shoot formation from wheat pollen by liquid culture
The study on Rice Anther and pollen culture in liquid
It is a useful method to evaluate viability of sugarcane pollen by culture with artificial medium .
The results were as follows : Pollen germinating rate decreased with the increasing of EMS treatment concentration , and showed positive correlation with seed setting percentage ;
After 120 min , the proportion of germinated pollen grains in WT was nearly 100 % , compared to only 20 % in ( - ) 12 line .
Callus formation from pollen culture invitro of soybean
Effects of sugar on the pollen culture in four woody ornamental plants in vitro
On the Pollen Suspension Culture in Rice
Somaclonal variation breeding was a new applicable method of cell engineering under breeding after pollen and anther culture .
The study aimed to discuss the content changing of total saponin during the callus culture of Panax notoginseng pollens on different media .
The proportion of pollen germination was low under artificial culture . It was 0.0 % before stigma excreted mucilage or at the later stage of blossom . It would be 5.2 % during pollen maturation period , and it could reach about 10.1 % at the beginning of blossom .
In the pollen segregation germination culture medium are sucrose 13 % , boric acid 143mg / kg , agar 1 % .
The culture of pollen grain of wheat , rice and tobacco in vitro
The possibility of in vitro maturation of tomato immature pollen was studied .
Response Surface Methodology to Determine the Optimal Medium for Pollen Germination for Ash
Preliminary studies on maturation culture of immature pollen in vitro and proteins detection of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) pollen
The relationship between rape pollen germinating rate and concentration of sucrose or boron acid in incubation media was a quadratic function with one unknow quantify , respectively .
Every viable rapeseed when it was incubated in distilled water for 20 min. at 25 ℃, then acted by acid solution , the metabolic products will be flowed out rapidly . By examing and counting the number of pollen carried with exosmosis matter , its viability could be known .
The pollen viability by using different culture method had differences and there were a certain correlation between the pollen density and pollen viability .