
huā fěn mǔ xì bāo
  • pollen mother cell
  1. 在花粉母细胞形成期一减数分裂期与颖花AP的活性及同工酶组成的变化关系较密切。

    Its abortion was also closely related with the change of AP activity and isoenzyme components in the spikelet at pollen mother cell formation-reduction division stage .

  2. 在花药败育高峰期(花粉母细胞减数分裂期),与CMS相关的线粒体基因在不育系花药中的表达量要显著低于保持系。

    At the peak of anther abortion ( Pollen mother cell meiosis stage ), the expression level of CMS-associated mitochondrial gene in sterile anther was significantly lower than that in maintainer anther . 3 .

  3. λDNA导入中国春后花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体行为及性状变异观察

    Observation on Chromosomal Behavior Among Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cells and Abnormal Characters by Introduced Lambda Phage DNA into Chinese Spring

  4. 对F1和F2花粉母细胞(PMC)的部分同源染色体配对进行了观察。

    Homologous chromosome pairing in both F_1 and F_2 PMC 's was observed .

  5. PMC胼胝质壁的形成是在花粉母细胞时期开始的;

    The formation of the callose wall occured at the PMC stage .

  6. 3C或4E染色体诱导染色体断裂可能是在花粉母细胞减数分裂的多个时期。

    And the stage of induce chromosome aberration was discussed .

  7. 本研究结果表明百合早前期花粉母细胞的质膜、染色质、核膜及胞间连丝通道内部的确具有ATP酶活性;ATP酶在细胞融合过程中可能起重要作用。

    This study suggests that the microsporocytes of lily naturally possess ATP-ase activity at prophase , and that ATP-ase probably plays an important role in the process of cytomixis .

  8. 本报告叙述了玉米花粉母细胞染色体Giemsa显带的结果。

    Giemsa staining method is described for the identification of meiotic chromosomes of the pollen mather cell of maize ( Zea mays ) .

  9. 因此花粉母细胞形成至减数分裂期是隐性长穗颈eui基因表达对温度敏感时期,该基因感温表达具有积温效应,6天的感温效果最佳。

    The analysis showed that eui gene expressed best in feasible temperature for 6 days during the thermo-sensitive period .

  10. 在IAA、GA3和ZR含量上,不育花药低于可育花药,但在ABA含量上,不育花药高于可育花药,这种差异在花粉母细胞减数分裂时期达最大值。

    Fertile anthers were higher in IAA , GA_3 and ZR contents , but lower in ABA content than sterile anthers , especially at the abortion stage of pollen mother cells .

  11. 通过观察82株大麦花药培养再生植株根尖细胞有丝分裂和56株花粉母细胞(PMC)减数分裂过程中染色体的结构和分离情况。

    82 and 56 regenerated plants of barley anther callus were used to study cytological characters in root-tip cells and pollen mother cells ( PMC ) respectively .

  12. 主要研究结果如下:(1)在沈阳地区,亚洲百合花粉母细胞减数分裂约在5月20日左右开始启动,从减数分裂细线前期至四分体减数分裂完毕大约需要7d左右。

    The results are as follows : ( 1 ) In Shenyang , PMCs started to meiosis about May 20 and lasted approximately 7 days in Asiatic Hybrid .

  13. A2细胞质雄性不育花粉母细胞减数分裂行为从后期Ⅰ开始出现异常,同源或姊妹染色体向两极分离时滞后或不分裂;

    The abnormal chromosomal behavior occurred in PMC meiosis of A_2 CMS started from anaphase ⅰ; ( 4 ) homologous chromosome movement to opposite poles at metaphase ⅰ was delayed or sister chromatids did not divide at metaphase ⅱ;

  14. 高粱雄性不育系3197A(3A)在花粉母细胞期进行热激处理后由不育变为可育。

    The mitochondria of anther in pollen mother cell stage of cytoplasmic male sterility ( CMS ) line 3197A in sorghum were extracted after heat shock .

  15. 采用鱼外周血红细胞微核试验(FishMNT)和紫露草花粉母细胞徽核试验(TradMNT),联合检测了广西扶绥县肝癌高发区的水体污染。

    Samples of water in the high incidence area of liver cancer in Fusui , Guangxi were assayed using fish micronucleus test ( Fish MNT ) and Tradescantia micronucleus test ( Trad MNT ) .

  16. DGD去包埋观察发现,花粉母细胞中核骨架与细胞质内及胞间连丝和胞质通道内胞质骨架连接成一个整体。

    From DGD embedment-free observation , the nuclear matrix , the cytoskeleton in cytoplasm , as well as in plasmodesmata and cytoplasmic channels , connected the PMCs into an entity .

  17. 本研究将姿DNA导入中国春小麦,对其后代D1,D2代的花粉母细胞(PMC)减数分裂行为进行了细胞学观察,并对形态性状的变异进行了跟踪统计。

    In this study , we introduced λ DNA into elite common wheat cultivar " China spring ", and observed the chromosome aberrance of D1 and D2 with λ DNA introduced lines in the stage of pollen mother cell ( PMC ) meiosis .

  18. 萍乡显性核不育水稻育性转换温度敏感期在花粉母细胞形成期至减数分裂期,即抽穗前18~12d;

    The thermo sensitive phase fertility alteration in Pingxiang Dominant Genic Male Sterile Rice occurred from pollen mother cell formation to meiotic phase , i.e. 18-12 days before heading .

  19. 低能N+离子束注入,影响M1代小麦植株花粉母细胞减数分裂,使中期Ⅰ细胞的染色体配对频率降低,单价体频率增高,出现环状染色体、染色体断臂和多价体;

    Meiotic behavior of M_1 progenies is properly abnormal due to implantation of N ~ + ion beam . Compared with wheat plants not treated by low energy N ~ + ion beam , meiotic pairing frequency is decreased and univalent frequency is increased in metaphase cell .

  20. 水稻细胞质雄性不育系珍汕97A,在花粉母细胞形成期以后可溶性蛋白含量迅速降低。

    The soluble protein content in spikelet of Zhenshan97A of cytoplasmic male sterile rice decreased rapidly after the formation stage of pollen mother cell ( PMC ) .

  21. 结果表明:同源三倍体SAR-3花粉母细胞减数分裂中期染色体形成单价体、二价体和三价体;后期染色体分离遵守随机分配规律,但有一定比例整倍性二分体出现;

    The results showed that the univalent , bivalent and trivalent were observed at metaphase ⅰ, but the chromosome segregation was random at anaphase ⅰ .

  22. 农杆菌介导转基因棉花早代(T0)材料,花粉母细胞的染色体构型变异很大,只有部分二价体(7~16个),多数是单价体,没有更高的价体。

    Chromosome configurations of pollen mother cells ( PMCs ) in early generation ( T 0 ) of Agrobacterium mediated trangenic cotton vary very much , with a lot of monovalents , a few bivalents but without tri or malt valents .

  23. 其主要败育时期为花粉母细胞减数分裂中后期,提前于9313A(Tr)发生败育。

    It was shown that the abortion of anthers took place mainly during mid-meiosis to anaphase stage in R121 ( Tr ) and the period of anther abortion was earlier than 9313A ( Tr ) . 3 .

  24. 双低两用温敏核不育水稻96-5-2S在11.31~20.19℃低温条件下,花粉母细胞形成、减数分裂和花粉后期发育均正常,最后形成充满淀粉的成熟花粉。

    TGMS rice with double low critical temperature ( 96-5-2S ), treated with low temperature of 11.31 ~ 20.19 ℃, were all normal during the formation of pollen mother cell , meiosis , development of pollen and mature pollen .

  25. 通过观察胡萝卜花粉母细胞的减数分裂过程,发现其行为正常,是同时型胞质分裂,中期I有9个二价体(9II),为典型的二倍体物种。

    No abnormal behavior was observed in the meiotic process of pollen mother cell of carrot , showing cytokinesis of simultaneous type . There were nine bivalents ( 9II ) at metaphase I , indicating it is a typical diploid species .

  26. 另一些花粉母细胞在末期具有微核。

    There were micronucleus at telophase in another pollen mother cells .

  27. 大青杨花粉母细胞减数分裂及其发育

    Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cells and Pollen Development of Populus ussuriensis

  28. 水稻花粉母细胞减数分裂的时期

    The duration of meiosis in pollen mother cells of rice

  29. 小叶锦鸡儿花粉母细胞减数分裂染色体行为观察

    Observations on the Meiosis of Pollen Mother Cell in Caragana Microphylla Lam

  30. 百合花粉母细胞腺苷三磷酸酶反应产物的X-射线微区分析

    X-ray microanalysis of ATP-ase reaction products in pollen mother cells of Lily