
huā shēnɡ tánɡ
  • peanut brittle
  1. 我妈妈过去经常做最好吃的花生糖。

    My mom used to make the best peanut brittle .

  2. 这里面真的有花生糖…拜托你去火星好吗。言归正传。

    There 's actually peanut brittle in ... Please go to Mars .

  3. 莱纳德,那个罐子里还有花生糖吗?

    Hey , Leonard ... is there any peanut brittle left in that can ?

  4. 这些馅吃起来就象夜市的花生糖一样。

    A : The filling tastes just like the peanut candy at the night market .

  5. 我们的土产系列包括椰子饼,花生糖,加哩粉,黑咖啡,天然香蕉干,芒果干,春卷,芝麻鱼饼,虾饼,辣椒酱,饼干等。

    Our products include : coconut cookies , biscuit , peanut candies , curry powder , kopi-O , dried banana , dried mango , spring rolls , sesame fish cracker , twister prawn cracker , chili sauce and many more .

  6. 朋友和家庭交换充满花生、糖、鸭蛋、葡萄干和西瓜籽的月饼。

    Friends and families exchange moon cakes filled with peanuts , sugar , duck eggs , raisins , and watermelon seeds .

  7. 比如她喜欢花生还是薄荷糖。

    Whether she likes goobers or junior mints .

  8. 炸好的三明治切成三角形,取下牙签,食用时候洒些花生粉或糖增加风味。

    After seep frying , cut sandwich into triangles and remove toothpicks . Sprinkle with peanut power and sugar before serving .

  9. 即食食品通常是一种用花生、干酪、糖、蔬菜油脂、矿物和维生素制造的甜味酱。

    Ready-to-use-food is usually a sweet spread made with peanuts , dry milk , sugar , vegetable fat , minerals and vitamins .