
  1. 良渚文化玉琮基本特征的考古学观察

    An Archaeological Observation on Features of Jade cong in Liangzhu Culture

  2. 良渚文化玉琮的型式研究

    A Study on the Type of Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture

  3. 良渚文化玉琮名和形的探讨

    A Discussion of Name and Form of Jade Cong of Liangzhu Culture

  4. 全面、客观地考察良渚文化玉琮的基本特征,是研究良渚文化玉琮功用的基本功课。

    It is demanded by study of its function in the Liangzhu culture to investigate comprehensively and objectively principle features of jade cong.

  5. 而出土玉琮中尤以良渚文化玉琮最为发达,出土数量最多,其造型、纹饰体现出的琢玉技艺是当时南方玉雕的最高水平。

    The unearthed Jade Cong from the Liangzhu Culture got most developed , and a large quantity . Its neat pattern and elaborate designs reflect the technologic tiptop of jade execution during the Neolithic of south China .