
  • 网络air transport services
  1. QFD与航空运输服务设计

    QFD and Design of Aerial Transport Service

  2. 经过多年的努力,CSN公司已成为业界有明显比较优势的航空运输服务提供商。

    After years of effort , CSN has become a clear comparative advantage in the air transport service provider .

  3. 应用QFD,从顾客需求出发构建质量屋,并针对当前航空运输服务中的实际问题,探讨了在各个阶段对航空运输服务的全新设计。

    Aiming at current practical problems in the service of Civil Aviation , the paper builds the House of Quality from customer demands by making use of QFD , and presents a probing study on new service design of Civil Aviation at various stages .

  4. GB/T16177-1996公共航空运输服务质量标准

    Quality standards of public air transport service

  5. 我国航空运输服务业的市场结构及价格竞争策略分析

    An Analysis of Market Structure and Price Competition Strategy of Chinese Aviation Transportation Service Industry

  6. “授权代理人”是指由我们指定的并代表我们销售我们的航空运输服务(产品)的客运销售代理人。

    " Authorized Agent " means a passenger sales agent who has been appointed by us to represent us in the sale of air transportation on our services .

  7. 服务经济的到来使航空运输等服务企业面临广阔的发展空间和巨大的挑战。

    Along with the coming service economy , the service enterprise will face vast space of development and great challenge .

  8. 民航业大致可分为航空运输、机场服务、空中管制和服务保障等四个部门,其不同领域的技术经济特征直接导致了对其政府规制方式的变化。

    The civil aviation industry can roughly be divided into four departments air transportation , airport , air regulation and service guarantee , and different characteristics of technology economic of different fields directly result in the change of regulatory .

  9. 二是在市中心设立城市航站楼以方便旅客快速、经济地到达机场,从而减少道路交通压力,提高航空运输的整体服务质量。

    The other is to set up CAT ( City Air Terminal ) to convenient the passenger to come airport rapidly and economically in order to lessen the pressure of the traffic and improve the whole service quantity of civil aviation transportation .

  10. 北京航空运输培训中心传播服务文明促进社会进步

    Beijing Aviation And Transportation Training Center

  11. AS公司是一家国营民用航空运输企业,地面服务部是其中一个直接面向旅客服务的重要部门。

    Is commercial airline , whose Ground Services ( GS ) Department is a division directly serving passengers .

  12. 在民用航空运输中,运输服务的交换是其经济内容,而航空运输合同则是其必然要采取的法律形式。

    In civil aviation transportation , the exchange of transportation service is the economic content and the contract for aviation transportation is the necessary form of law .

  13. 航空公司是提供航空运输服务产品、具有高投资、高科技、高风险特点的企业组织。

    The airlines is a commercial organization providing air transportation services with the characters of high investment , high technology and high risk .

  14. 民航旅客运输合同,是指旅客与航空承运人就提供并完成航空运输服务过程中双方的权利义务以及相应运输内容达成的协议。

    Civil Aviation Passenger Transport Contract , refers to an agreement signed by passengers and air carriers with terms on rights and obligations for both parties , time , location and price , etc.

  15. 第四章就西南航空公司的营销策略进行探索,分析航空运输服务产品的特性及层次,强调国际、国内干线和支线的相互关联,代码共享提供无缝隙服务(Seamless)拓宽市场;

    In Chapter Four , the author explores the marketing strategy improvement of CSWA . By analyzing the characteristics and level of air transportation product , CSWA should pay more attention to the interconnection of international , domestic trunk flights and regional flights , offers the Seamless service by code-sharing .

  16. 中国航空油料集团公司(简称中国航油,英文缩写为CAOHC)是国务院确定的国有大型航空运输服务保障企业,主要经营航空油料及其他成品油的批发、储存和零售业务。

    China Aviation Oil Holding Company ( CAOHC ) is a state-owned large aviation company that operating primarily the aviation oil product and oily wholesale , storage and retail .